nose | noun /nəʊz/ hanci ... | |
nosebleed | noun /ˈnəʊzbliːd/ haɓo ... | |
nosology | noun /nɒˈsɒlədʒi/ darasin kimiyya dake nazari akan karkasuwan cututtuka. ... | |
nostalgia | noun /nɒˈstaldʒə/ tuna abin daya faru a baya. ... | |
nostril | noun /ˈnɒstrəl/ ƙofar hanci ... | |
nostrum | noun /ˈnɒstrəm/ magani wanda ba ƙwararre bane ya bayar. ... | |
nosy | adjective /ˈnəʊzi/ burin sanin harkokin wasu. ... | |
not | adverb /nɒt/ ba haka ba ... | |
not be the marrying kind | (idiom) mutumin da baya son aure, a wasu lokatan ana ... | |
not in the same league | (idiom) idan ƙwarewar ba ɗaya bace ... | |
not set the world on fire | (idiom) idan mutum bazai iya ƙayatarwa ba ko yin nasara ... | |
not take something lying down | (idiom) ƙin yarda mutum ya raina maka wayo ... | |
not turn a hair | (idiom) nuna rashin damuwa a fuskarka idan aka gaya maka ... | |
notable | adjective /ˈnəʊtəbl/ sananne, shahararre ... | |
notably | adverb /ˈnəʊtəbli/ sananne, musamman ... | |
notation | noun /nəʊˈteɪʃn/ 1. Alamar da ake yi musamman gurin yin lissafi 2. ... | |
notch | noun & verb /nɒtʃ/ 1. Wani zane ko yanka a gefen ... | |
note | noun /nəʊt/ 1. Rubutu 2. Kuɗin takadda 3. Abu mai muhimmanci daya kamata ... | |
notebook | noun /ˈnəʊtbʊk/ littafin rubutu ... | |
noteworthy | adjective /ˈnəʊtˌwɜːði/ wanda ya cancanci a lura da shi ... | |
nother | pronoun /ˈnʌðə/ yana nufin 'another' ... | |
nothing | pronoun /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ ba komai ... | |
nothingness | noun /ˈnʌθɪŋnəs/ rashin wanzuwa. ... | |
notice | noun, verb /ˈnəʊtɪs/ sanarwa, lura ... | |
noticeable | adjective /ˈnəʊtɪsəbl/ abinda za'a iya fahimta ... | |
noticeboard | noun /ˈnəʊtɪsbɔːd/ allon sanarwa ... | |
notifiable | adjective /ˈnəʊtɪfʌɪəbəl/ wanda ya shafi cututtuka ko laifi daya kamata ... | |
notification | noun /ˌnəʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ sanarwa ... | |
notify | verb /ˈnəʊtɪfaɪ/ sanar ... | |
notion | noun /ˈnəʊʃən/ 1. Ra'ayi 2. Irin fahimtar da kake yiwa abu ... | |
notional | adjective /ˈnəʊʃənəl/ abun daya ginu akan zato. ... | |
notoriety | noun /nəʊtəˈrʌɪɪti/ yin suna gurin mugun hali ... | |
notorious | adjective /nəʊˈtɔːriəs/ shahara wajen aikin ashsha ... | |
notwithstanding | preposition, adverb, conjunction /nɒtwɪðˈstandɪŋ/ 1. Duk da cewa. 2. Duk da yake. ... | |
nought | noun /ˈnuːɡɑː/ 1. Alewa da aka yi da sikari ko zuma. 2. ... | |
noun | noun /naʊn/ sunan kowane abu ... | |
noun-count | rashin ƙidayawa ... | |
nourish | verb /ˈnʌrɪʃ/ ciyad da halittu (abubuwa masu rai) ... | |
nourishment | noun /ˈnʌrɪʃmənt/ abincin da kake buƙata domin rayuwa ... | |
nous | noun /naʊs/ na basira ... | |
nouveau riche | noun /ˌnuːvəʊˈriːʃ/ mutanen da basu jima da yin arziki ba. ... | |
nouvelle cuisine | noun /nuːˌvɛlkwɪˈziːn/ wani nau'in girkin zamani ... | |
nova | noun /ˈnəʊvə/ tauraro wanda yake ƙara haske amma daga baya ... | |
novel | noun /ˈnɒvəl/ ƙagaggen labari ... | |
novelette | noun /nɒvəˈlɛt/ gajeran littafin ƙagaggen labari ... | |
novelist | noun /ˈnɒvəlɪst/ mutumin da ke rubuta ƙagaggen labarai ... | |
novella | noun /nəˈvɛlə/ gajeran littafin ƙagaggen labarai ... | |
novels | jam'in kalmar 'novel' ... | |
novelty | noun /ˈnɒvəlti/ sabunta ... | |
November | noun /nəʊˈvembər/ wata na goma sha ɗaya a shekara ... | | is an online/offline English to Hausa And Hausa to English comprehensive bilingual Dictionary (or Kamus in Hausa) containing thousands of British and American English words/phrases and Abbreviations.
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