O | harafi na goma sha biyar a jerin haruffan turanci ... | |
O level | karatun sakandare ... | |
o'clock | ƙarfe (sa'a na agogo) ... | |
Oaf | noun /əʊf/ sakaren mutum ... | |
oasis | noun /əʊˈeɪsɪs/ gurin yada zango (wani guri a hamada inda ... | |
oath | noun /əʊθ/ ɗaukan alƙawarin yin abu ko rantsuwa ... | |
obdurate | adjective /ˈɒbdjʊrət/ taurin kai. ... | |
obedience | noun /əˈbiːdiəns/ biyayya ... | |
obedient | adjective /əˈbiːdiənt/ mai biyayya ... | |
obeisance | noun /əʊˈbeɪsəns/ girmamawa ... | |
obese | adjective /əʊˈbiːs/ mummunan ƙiba fiye da kima ... | |
obesity | noun /əʊˈbiːsəti/ munmunar ƙiba ... | |
obey | verb /əʊˈbeɪ/ yi biyayya ... | |
obfuscate | verb /ˈɒbfʌskeɪt/ rikita lamari ta yadda zai yi wahalar fahimta ... | |
obituary | noun /əˈbɪtʃʊəri/ bada rahotan mutuwan wani a jarida ... | |
object | noun /ˈɒbdʒɪkt/ 1. Abun da zaka gani ko riƙewa ko taɓawa ... | |
objectification | noun /ɒbdʒɛktɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ ɗaukan mutum a matsayin banza. ... | |
objectify | verb /ɒbˈdʒɛktɪfʌɪ/ ɗaukan mutum a matsayin banza ... | |
objection | noun /əbˈdʒekʃən/ dalilin da yasa baka amince da abu ba ... | |
objectionable | adjective /əbˈdʒɛkʃənəbəl/ ana yin anfani dashi gurin siffanta abun da ... | |
objective | noun /əbˈdʒektɪv/ 1. Ƙuduri, muradi (abun daka sa gaba kake hanƙoran ... | |
oblation | noun /əˈbleɪʃən/ kyautar da ake baiwa abin bauta ... | |
obligation | noun /ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃən/ wajibi ... | |
obligatory | adjective /əˈblɪɡətəri/ na wajibi ... | |
oblige | verb /əˈblaɪdʒ/ wajibta ... | |
obliging | adjective /əˈblʌɪdʒɪŋ/ son yin abu ... | |
oblique | noun /əˈbliːk/ layin da shi ba shinfiɗaɗɗe ba kuma ba ... | |
obliterate | verb /əˈblɪtəreɪt/ lalata gabaki ɗaya ... | |
oblivion | noun /əˈblɪvɪən/ 1. Rashin farga 2. Gushewa 3. Lalata abu gabaki ɗaya 4. Sumewa ... | |
oblivious | adjective /əˈblɪvɪəs/ rashin farga, rashin ankarewa ... | |
oblong | noun /ˈɒblɒŋ/ abun da yake da siffar 'rectangle' ... | |
obloquy | noun /ˈɒbləkwi/ Allah wadai ... | |
obnoxious | adjective /əbˈnɒkʃəs/ mai matuƙar muni. ... | |
obscene | adjective /əbˈsiːn/ iskanci ... | |
obscenity | noun /əbˈsɛnɪti/ iskanci ... | |
obscurantism | noun /ˌɒbskjʊˈrantɪzəm/ ɗabi'an ɓoye bayanai. ... | |
obscure | adjective & verb /əbˈskjʊər/ 1. Wanda ba sananne ba 2. Toshe mahanga ... | |
obscurity | noun /əbˈskjʊərɪti/ 1. Rashin shahara 2. Wanda ba sananne ba ... | |
obsequies | noun /ˈɒbsɪkwɪz/ bikin jana'iza ... | |
obsequious | adjective /əbˈsiːkwɪəs/ mai biyayya. ... | |
observance | noun /əbˈzərvəns/ 1. Yin biyayya ga doka. 2. Hali na gari. ... | |
observant | adjective /əbˈzɜːvənt/ mutumin dake da lura ... | |
observation | noun /ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃən/ lura ... | |
observe | verb /əbˈzɜːv/ 1. Lura da, kula da 2. Yin biyayya ga doka ... | |
observer | noun /əbˈzɜːvər/ mai sanya ido ... | |
obsess | verb /əbˈses/ sa abu a rai, shiga rai, tsaya a ... | |
obsession | noun /əbˈsɛʃən/ abun daya tsaya maka a rai ... | |
obsessional | adjective /əbˈseʃənl/ yawan sa abu a rai ... | |
obsessive | adjective /əbˈsesɪv/ yawan sa abu a rai ... | |
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder | wata matsala da take sa mutum yawan maimata aiki fiye ... | |
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