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Creating a comprehensive dictionary like this is not as easy as some people assumed. I've spent several sleepless months prior to, in creating of and after created this dictionary in order to make it as accurate as it is. But the most irritating is the way i realized some websites now copy and paste my contents overnight to their online dictionaries websites without seeking permission, despite all the copy right notices i left behind, instead of just doing their own. Haba jama'a, a rika tausayawa mana.
We're manually navigating the internet and through plagiarism search engines. Therefore, we strongly request such websites or apps to avoid or removed our contents from their websites and apps or else we'll trace them and report them to their respective hosting companies or apps stores.
Likewise, any PC software, PDF files or similar of these items we found on store or website reflecting our dictionaries we'll immediately report that application to both your store and your payment processor or ads network.
Search engines will not be left behind, we'll report your website to google and bing search engines for copyright violation and once they confirmed your website may be de-index from search engines. So don't waste your time copying this website, it will be nice to write your own.
Obviously, copy and paste doers are SEO ignorants, such contents appeared not being indexed in search engines. Even if you're lucky the contents appeared in search engines, your contents might not be ranked higher because the original contents (the ones published first) were regarded with high superiority. Also too much copy and paste may result your website to be blacklisted in search engines.
We shall not focused merely on online activities. Although it is hardly to put eyes on books publication; but is it important to realize copyright infringement is an offence. How will you feel if you published a book and thereafter you find out someone republished that book and claimed ownership? I know you will not be happy, so don't do it to others. is an online/offline English to Hausa And Hausa to English comprehensive bilingual Dictionary (or Kamus in Hausa) containing thousands of British and American English words/phrases and Abbreviations.
The website/app provide definition of any existing English or Hausa word and phrase.
Each words came along with parts of speech.
We included hausa descriptions of complex and ambiguous definitions
We specified British Audio and IPA pronunciation of any English word for those wishing to know how to pronounce a particular word.
We provide English & Hausa bilingual usage sentences, description images, audio pronunciations of all Hausa words, pluralization of Hausa words, and origins of Hausa words derived from Arabic or English.
However this website came along with English to Hausa learning resources designed specifically for native Hausa wishing to learn English as second language.
Scientific words, medical words, geology, geography, biology, anatomy, chemistry, physics, literature, computing, psychology and linguistics words were included and precisely translated to Hausa.
Enjoy your stay here and also contribute to its growth by linking to us or inform others about this website.
The dictionary is frequently being updated and it works both online and offline.
If there is any missing word in the dictionary please send us the word and we'll add the word as soon as possible