N | 1. Harafi na goma sha huɗu a jerin haruffan turanci. ... | |
na kullun | regular ... | |
nab | verb /nab/ 1. Kama mutum yana aikata ba dai dai ba. 2. ... | |
nabob | noun /ˈneɪbɒb/ babban jami'i musulmi a daular mogul ... | |
nadir | noun /ˈneɪdɪə/ mafi ƙaranci ... | |
nae | yana nufin 'no' ... | |
naff | verb & adjective /naf/ 1. Tafi. 2. Mara ɗanɗano ko tsari. ... | |
nagana | noun /nəˈɡɑːnə/ wata kalar cutar dabbobi a kudancin Afirka. ... | |
nagging | adjective /ˈnaɡɪŋ/ 1. (mutum) wanda a koda yaushe yake takurawa wani. 2. ... | |
Naija | yana nufin 'Nigeria' da harshen 'pidgin English' (wani irin gurɓataccen ... | |
nail | noun /neɪl/ 1. Farce 2. Ƙusa ... | |
Naira | sunan kuɗin da ake anfani dashi a Naijeriya wanda yake ... | |
naive | adjective /naɪˈiːv/ dolanci ... | |
naked | adjective /ˈneɪkɪd/ tsirara ... | |
name | noun /neɪm/ suna ... | |
nameless | adjective /ˈneɪmləs/ abin da baida suna ... | |
namely | adverb /ˈneɪmli/ adverb na kalmar 'name' ... | |
names | sunaye ... | |
namesake | noun /ˈneɪmseɪk/ takwara (wanda yake da suna iri guda da ... | |
Namibia | noun /nəˈmɪbiə/ wata ƙasa dake kudancin nahiyar Afrika ... | |
Namibian | adjective /nəˈmɪbiən/ mai alaƙa da ƙasar Namibia ko mutanen wannan ... | |
nan | noun /nɑːn/ kaka mace ... | |
nanny | noun /ˈnæni/ macen dake kula da yaran wasu a gida ... | |
nanometer | noun /ˈnanəʊˌmiːtə/ metres miliyan dubu ɗaya. ... | |
nanosecond | noun /ˈnanəʊsɛkənd/ daƙiƙoƙi miliyan dubu ɗaya. ... | |
nanotechnology | noun /ˌnanəʊtɛkˈnɒlədʒi/ fasahar data shafi sarrafa 'nanometers' ... | |
nap | noun & verb /nap/ Kishingiɗa (gajeran bacci) ... | |
napa | noun /ˈnapə/ wata kalar jakar leda mai taushi da ake ... | |
nape | noun /neɪp/ ƙeya (bayan wuyan mutum) ... | |
napkin | noun /ˈnæpkɪn/ ƙyalle ko takadda da ake sawa yara don ... | |
nappa | noun /ˈnapə/ wata kalar jakar leda mai taushi da ake ... | |
nappe | noun /nap/ dutsen da aka matsar dashi gefe guda. ... | |
narcissism | noun /ˈnɑːsɪsɪzəm/ ɗabi'an yawan son ɗaukaka ... | |
narcissist | noun /ˈnɑːsɪsɪst/ mutumin da yake da ɗabi'an yawan son yaga ... | |
narcissistic personality disorder | noun /nɑːsɪˌsɪstɪk pɜːsənˈæləti dɪˌsɔːdə/ (psychology) taɓin hankalin dake sa mutum ... | |
narcolepsy | noun /ˈnɑːkəlepsi/ a fannin kiwan lafiya wato 'medical', wannan kalmar ... | |
narcoleptic | adjective /ˌnɑːkəˈleptɪk/ (medical) fama da matsalar narcolepsy ... | |
narcosis | noun /nɑːˈkəʊsɪs/ a fannin kiwan lafiya wato 'medical', wannan kalmar ... | |
narcotic | noun /nɑːˈkɒtɪk/ wata kalar muggan ƙwaya ... | |
nark | noun & verb /nɑːk/ 1. Mai tsegunta ma 'yan sanda labarai. 2. ... | |
narked | adjective /nɑːkt/ me damun mutum. ... | |
narky | adjective /ˈnɑːki/ mai saurin sanya damuwa. ... | |
narrate | verb /nəˈreɪt/ ruwaito, karanta labari, faɗi labari ... | |
narrative | adjective /ˈnærətɪv/ 1. Na ruwaya (ƙarin bayani akan wani labari ko ... | |
narrator | noun /nəˈreɪtər/ mai aiko da rahoto ... | |
narrow | adjective /ˈnærəʊ/ matsatstse, mara faɗi, tsukakke ... | |
narrowboat | noun /ˈnarəʊbəʊt/ jirgin ruwa wanda yake da girma ƙasa mita ... | |
narrowcast | verb /ˈnarəʊkɑːst/ watsa shirin talabijin ta hanyar 'cable' ... | |
narrowly | adverb /ˈnarəʊli/ da kaɗan ... | |
narrowminded | adjective /narəʊˈmʌɪndɪd/ wanda baya biye wa ra'ayin wasu. ... | |
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