Definition of withstand in Hausa
withstand |
verb /wɪðˈstand/ jure |
Example of withstand in a sentence The statue had been built to withstand winds of more than 100 mph. an gina gunkin domin ya iya jure wa iskar da take da ƙarfin mph ɗari.Some buildings in Lagos were designed to withstand the harshest heat, wind and occasional sea spray. waɗansu gine gine a Lagos an gina sune domin su iya jurewa matsanancin zafi, iska mai ƙarfi da kuma irin feshin da teku yake yi daga lokaci zuwa lokaci. Most of the electric poles in Zaria are capable of withstanding the gusty wind. yawancin tirakun wutan lantarki dake Zaria zasu iya jurewa iskar dake kaɗawa. Human flesh aren't designed specifically to withstand cold and frosty weather. ba'a yi fatar mutum domin ta iya jure wa sanyi da kuma yanayin sanyi mai dusan ƙanƙara ba. |
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