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Definition of turn in Hausa


verb /tɜːn/
1. Juya
2. Murɗa abu zuwa gaba ko baya
3. Canzawa zuwa wani mataki
4. Kashewa da kunnawa/ƙarawa da ragewa

Example of turn in a sentence

  1. Juya ko murɗa
  2. The earth turns on its axis. duniya tana juyawa akan tubalin ta.

    The motorcycle wheels started to turn. tayoyin babur ɗin sun fara juyawa.

    You can open the door if you turned its handle. zaka iya buɗe ƙofar idan ka juya mabuɗin ta.

    The instructor asked them to turn right. mai basu umurni ya buƙace su dasu juyo su fuskanci dama.

    Mosques tend to turn towards the Ka'aba. Masallatai sun kasance suna fuskantar ka'aba ne.

    She can't turned and face him due to shyness. baza ta iya juyawa ta kalleshi ba saboda kunya.

    He turned his back when he accidentally saw her topless. ya juya baya bayan ya ganta babu riga bisa kuskure.

    I've a panic attacked when i saw them turned their head to me as i pass through the gate. gabana ya faɗi lokacin dana ga sun kalle ni lokacin dana ke wucewa ta ƙofar.

    The army turned their guns on the protesters. sojojin sun buɗewa masu zanga zangar wuta.

  3. Canzawa zuwa wani mataki
  4. We've finished this page, please turn the next page. mun kammala da wannan shafin, ɗan buɗe shafi na gaba.

    You're an adult if you turn 18. ka zama baligi idan ka kai shekara goma sha takwas.

    It's just turned three o'clock. yanzun nan ƙarfe uku tayi.

    A restaurant was turned into a bank. an mayar da gidan abinci ya zama banki.

  5. Kashewa da kunnawa/ƙarawa da ragewa
  6. Turn off the light. a kashe wutar.

    I asked Zulaihat to turn on the TV. na buƙaci Zulaihat data kunna talabijin ɗin.

    The pressing iron is so hot, please turn it down. dutsen gugwan yayi zafi sosai, ɗan rage zafin.

    There's noise in the room, please turn the sound up. akwai hayaniya a cikin ɗakin, ɗan ƙara ƙaran.

Probably Related words: return, Saturn, turning, returning, turnover, returnable, returnee, returner, overturn, nocturnal

Nearest words:
turn on, turning, turn off, turn out, turnover, turn a deaf ear, turn a blind eye, turn your nose up, turn your back on somebody, turn your back on something,

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