Definition of think in Hausa
think |
verb /θɪŋk/ 1. Yi tunani, ganin noun /θɪŋk/ 2. Have a think: yin nazari akan abu na ɗan wani lokaci |
Example of think in a sentence
I don't think this measurement is accurate. bana tinanin cewa wannan gwajin yana da sahihanci. What do you think is going to happen tomorrow? me kake ganin cewa zai faru gobe? What did westerners think of Africa? wani irin kallo turawa suke yiwa 'yan Africa? Africa used to be thought of as a single country by some westerners. wasu turawa suna ɗauka cewa Africa ƙasa ɗaya ce. But what do Africans think about the misconceptions that Africa is a country not continent? amma yaya 'yan Afrika suke ɗaukan kuskuren fahimtar da ake yi cewa Afrika ƙasa guda ce ba wai nahiya ba? I think public awareness is needed to remove this misconceptions. ina ganin akwai buƙatar a wayar da kawunan mutane domin kauda wannan kuskuran fahimtar. I'm thinking of renting a house. ina tunanin yin hayan gida I think i will stay at home tonight. ina tunanin zan tsaya a gida da dare. He stays calm, probably he's thinking. ya tsaya ya natsu, mai yuwuwa tunani yake yi. Don't act in haste, always think before you do something. kada ka aikata abu cikin garaje, kamata yayi koda yaushe kayi tunani kafin ka aikata wani abu. Think twice before you fright someone. kayi nazari sosai kafin ka tsoratar da wani. Let him have a think about that. ka ƙyale shi yayi nazari akan haka. I will tell you my decision if i have a think over it. zan gaya maka shawarar dana zartar idan nayi tunani akai. |
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thinker, thinking, think big, thinkable, think ahead, think twice, think sth out, think on your feet, think outside the box, is an online/offline English to Hausa And Hausa to English comprehensive bilingual Dictionary (or Kamus in Hausa) containing thousands of British and American English words/phrases and Abbreviations.
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