Definition of suggest in Hausa
suggest |
verb /səˈdʒest/ 1. Nuna cewa 2. Bada shawara |
Example of suggest in a sentence
Can you suggest where should we settle? ko zaka iya bada shawarar gurin daya kamata mu zauna? My father suggested that I should join army. Babana ya bada shawarar cewa na shiga aikin soji. I suggested joining the army after you graduated. ina mai bada shawarar daka shiga aikin sojan ne bayan ka kammala digiri. Are you suggesting that the attackers are terrorists? kana nufin cewa maharan 'yan ta'adda ne? Using heavy weapons suggested a hand of mercenaries in the attack. akwai yuwuwar anyi amfani da sojojin haya ne idan aka yi la'akari da yadda suka yi amfani da manyan makamai gurin kai harin. Although there's no proof, but evolutionists suggests modern human evolved from apes. duk da cewa babu wata hujja, amma masu ra'ayin sauyin halittu suna nuna cewa mutanen wannan zamanin sun samo asali ne daga birai. Are you suggesting that uneducated people have no goal in life? |
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