Definition of success in Hausa
success |
noun /səkˈses/ nasara |
Example of success in a sentence Financial success depends largely on your hardworking. yin arziki ya ta'allaƙa ne gilibi akan aiki tuƙuru.I worked in the company for five years in order to get financial security but all my efforts end up without success. na yi aiki a kamfanin na tsawon shekara biyar domin samun rufin asiri amma duk wannan ƙoƙarin nawa bai yi nasara ba. Soldiers are now having much success in tackling the insecurity in the country. yanzu sojoji suna samun nasara sosai gurin tunkarar rashin tsaro a cikin ƙasar. I can only invest heavily if the success rate is high. zan zuba jari ne mai yawa idan akwai shaidu masu yawa dake tabbatar za'a cimma nasara. Killing of the rebel head have been a big success. kashe shugaban 'yan tawayen ya kasance wata babbar nasara. Patience is necessary if you want to make a success of your career. haƙuri ya zama dole idan har kana so sana'arka tayi nasara. Two of his businesses were success while the remaining appear to be failures. biyu daga cikin harkokin kasuwancinsa sunyi nasara amma ragowar kuwa sun ruguje. |
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