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Definition of subject in Hausa


noun, verb, adjective /ˈsʌbdʒekt/
1. Darasin da kake karanta.
2. Maudu'i (abun da ake magana ko bayani akan shi)
3. Mutumin daya aikata aiki a cikin wata jimla.
4. Cin galabar mutane tare da mamaye su.
5. Samun ƙarin haske akan abu.
6. Muddin
7. Kasancewa ƙarƙashin ikon wasu

Example of subject in a sentence

  1. Darasi
  2. ABU offers courses in almost any subject. Jami'ar ABU tana da kwasakwasai a kusan kowani darasi.

    She's got some very interesting breakthrough on the subject. ta gano wani gagarumin abu akan wannan darasin.

  3. Maudu'i
  4. The subject for discussion in the meeting is recession. maudu'in da za'a tattauna a gurin taron shi ne koma bayan tattalin arziki.

    Ali nuhu made a documentary film on the subject of love. Ali nuhu yayi wasan kwaikwayo akan maudu'in soyayya.

    The mass killing has been the subject of concern in the country. kisan ƙare dangin da aka yi ya zamo abun damuwa a cikin ƙasar.

  5. Mutumin daya aikata aiki
  6. "Musa" is the subject of the
    sentence "Musa threw the ball."
    'Musa' shi ne mutumin daya aikata aiki a cikin jimlar 'Musa ya jefo ƙwallo'
  7. Cin galabar mutane
  8. The terrorists quickly subjected five local government. 'yan ta'addan sun kame ƙananun hukumomi biyar cikin sauri.
  9. Samun ƙarin haske
  10. She has been subject to attacks of depression when she divorced her husband. ta fahimci yadda ake faɗawa cikin baƙin ciki lokacin data kashe auren ta.
  11. Muddin
  12. I want to study abroad, subject to your approval. ina so nayi karatu a ƙasar waje muddin dai ka amince.

    Compiling a dictionary should not take long, subject to there being professionals. buga ƙamus ba zai ɗauki tsawon lokaci ba, muddin dai akwai ƙwararru.
    A kuma duba gurin provided

  13. Kasancewa ƙarƙashin ikon wasu.
  14. Subject society. al'ummar da take ƙarƙashin ikon wasu.

Probably Related words: subjection, subjective, subject somebody or sth to sth, subject to something

Nearest words:
subjection, subjective, subject to something, subject somebody or sth to sth,

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