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Definition of stand in Hausa


verb & noun /stænd/
1. Tsayu, tsaya
2. stand trial: tsayawa a gaban shari'a
3. Jurewa wahala
4. Tsayawa takara
5. stand a chance: idan kana da yuwuwar yin sa'a
6. Ra'ayi
7. Rashin canzawa

Example of stand in a sentence

  1. Tsaya
  2. The old man was too weak to stand. tsohon mutumin yayi rauni sosai da zai iya tsayuwa.

    After the riot in the town, only a few houses were left standing. bayan rigimar a garin, gidaje ƙalilan ne kawai suka rage a tsaye.

    Everyone stood when the president came in. kowa ya (miƙe) tsaye lokacin da shugaban ƙasar ya shigo ciki.

  3. Rashin canzawa
  4. His monthly incomes stands at fifty thousand Naira. kuɗaɗen da yake samu a wata yana kamawa ne daga Naira dubu hamsin.

    Christianity stood as the world's largest religion for centuries. ɗaruruwan shekaru kenan addinin kiristanci ya kasance addini mafi yawan mabiya a duniya

  5. Fuskantar shari'a
  6. Ten men are to stand trial for their part in the gang rape. mazaje goma zasu tsaya gaban shari'a saboda yin fyaɗe na taran dangi.
  7. Jurewa
  8. I can't stand her disdain. bazan iya jurewa rainin wayonta ba.

    I can't stand being cold. bazan iya jurewa ina jin sanyi ba.

  9. Tsayawa takara
  10. Who will stand for President in the upcoming election? waye zai tsaya a matsayin shugaban ƙasa a zaɓe mai zuwa?
  11. Yuwuwar yin nasara
  12. You stand a good chance of success if you work hard. kana da yuwuwar yin nasara idan kayi aiki tuƙuru.
  13. Ra'ayi
  14. Where does you stand on this issues? menene ra'ayinka akan wannan maganar?

    We don't actually know what's their stand on this issues. alal haƙiƙa bamu san menene matsayin su ba akan waɗannan lamurran.

Probably Related words: understand, misunderstand, misunderstanding, standard, standardize, standardise, understandable, understanding, standing, outstanding

Nearest words:
standby, standee, standard, standing, standalone, standpoint, stand alone, standardise, standardize, stand a chance,

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