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Definition of serve in Hausa


verb /sɜːv/
1. Yin aiki, yin bauta, yi hidima
2. Samar da abinci ko abin sha
3. Samar da
4. Kula ko gamsar da abokan cinikayya

Example of serve in a sentence

  1. Yin aiki
  2. My sister serves in hotel. ƙanwata tana aiki a hotel.

    His father served in the army for 22 years. mahaifinsa yayi aiki a rundunar sojin na tsawon shekaru ishirin da biyu.

    He served under President Buhari's administration as minister of defence. ya yi aiki a lokacin mulkin shugaban ƙasa Buhari a matsayin ministan tsaro

  3. Samar da abinci ko abin sha
  4. Is there any restaurant serving meals in the town? shin akwai wani gidan abinci dake siyar da abinci a garin?

    Yes, rice and tuwo is served in the restaurant. e, ana siyar da shinkafa da tuwo a gidan abincin.

    We were served with rice when we went to the restaurant. an kawo mana shinkafa lokacin da muka je gidan abincin.

  5. Samar da
  6. Fighting a war would not serve any useful purpose. gwabza yaƙi bazai yi wani amfani ba.

    Declaring state of emergency would serve
    as a lesson to other states in the country.
    ayyana dokar ta ɓaci zai kasance ishara ce ga sauran jihohin dake cikin ƙasar.

    If we can't find a house for rent, a hotel could serve as a house for a couple of days. idan baza mu samu gidan yin haya ba, zamu iya yin amfani da otel na tsawon wasu 'yan kwanaki a matsayin gida.

    Nothing serves to replace education at this era. babu abun da za'a iya yin amfani da shi domin ya maye gurbin ilimi a wannan zamanin.

  7. Kula da abokanen cinikayya
  8. Are they being served? shin an sallame su?

    Attractive people are likely to serve first on the queue. kyawawan mutane sune aka fi fara sallama a cikin layi.

Probably Related words: deserve, conserve, observe, preserve, reserve, observer, preserver, undeserved, unobserved, unreserved

Nearest words:
server, servery,

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