Definition of sense in Hausa
sense |
noun & verb /sens/ 1. Hankali 2. Ma'ana 3. Ji a jiki, a zuciya, a kunni, a harshe ko jin ƙamshi 4. Hayyaci 5. sense of humour: iya fahimtar abubuwan dake ba mutane dariya 6. Ɗaya daga cikin ma'anar da kalma ko magana zata ɗauka 7. in a sense: fahimtar abu ta wata siga 8. Fahimtar abu ba tare daka san yadda aka yi ba |
Example of sense in a sentence
Starvation brought him to his senses and makes him appreciates a little things in life. ja'ibar yunwa ta sa ya dawo cikin hankalinshi/hayyacinshi kuma ta sanya shi yana gode wa abu kaɗan a rayuwa. I've listen to his speech clearly, but I can't make any of sense of it. na saurari maganarshi da kyau, amma ban ga wata ma'ana da take da shi ba. Don't lay blame on illiteracy - even illiterate have enough sense to know what is right and wrong. kada ka alaƙanta hakan da jahilci - ko jahili yana da hankalin da zai iya sanin abun daya dace da kuma wanda bai dace ba. Does it makes good sense to keep money in bank idle? shin akwai wata fa'ida tattare da ajiye kuɗaɗe a cikin banki kara zube? There's no sense in keeping huge amount of money in the bank idle. babu hikima tattare da ajiye kuɗaɗe masu tarin yawa a cikin banki kara zube. What's the sense in keeping huge amount of money in bank idle? menene hikimar ajiye kuɗaɗe masu tarin yawa kara zube a cikin banki? She sensed somebody is approaching her so she ran away. taji wani yana tunkarar ta don haka sai ta tsere. Could you sense what was likely to happen if the country collapsed? ko zaka iya hango abun da zai faru idan ƙasar ta wargaje. She really has a good sense of smell for able to realized there is burning in the house. lalle tana da hanci mai kyau ta hanyar iya gane cewa gidan na ci da wuta. Is possible to lost your sense of taste if you're extremely feeling cold. akwai yuwuwar zaka iya gaza jin ɗanɗanon abinci idan kana matuƙar jin sanyi. Misunderstanding is likely if people have different sense of humour. akwai yuwuwar za'a samu saɓanin fahimta tsakanin mutane idan abubuwan da suke ɗauka a matsayin abun bada dariya ya banbanta. Peaceful protesters sense of the phrase means protesters that cause no harm to the public. abun da masu zanga zangar lumana ke nufi anan shi ne masu zanga zanga waɗanda basa cutar da jama'a. His point doesn't make any sense. ra'ayin nashi bai bada wata ma'ana ba. He sensed someone is hiding in the room when he entered. ya ji a jikin shi cewa wani yana ɓoye a cikin ɗakin lokacin daya shiga. Could you sense how he will react if he lost his money? ko zaka iya jin yadda zai mayar da martani idan ya ɓatar da kuɗaɗen shi? |
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