Definition of reflect in Hausa
reflect |
verb /rɪˈflekt/ 1. Tagwaita abu (misali idan madubi ko ruwa ya fitar da irin suran abun dake kallansa, ko idan haske ya sake haskawa bayan ya haska jikin abu, ko idan sauti yana yin amsa kuwwa, ko kuma idan zafi yana sake maimaitawa) 2. Fayyace yadda abu yake |
Example of reflect in a sentence Reflect
And when she faced the man she could see her face reflected in his eyes. kuma sa'ilin data fuskanci mutumin sai taga fuskarta a cikin ƙwayar idanunsa If you keep a glass outdoor, it can reflect a sunlight. idan ka bar gilashi a waje, sai sake haskaka hasken ranar dake dukansa The outcomes of the election reflect the unity of the country. sakamakon zaɓen na nuna yadda haɗin kan ƙasar yake. Does his analysis reflect how you really feel? Shin bayanansa sun fayyace abun da kake ji a ranka? If children grow up as criminals, that reflects on their upbringing. idan yara suka taso a matsayin mujrimai, to hakan yana nuna irin tarbiyar da aka yi muce ce |
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