Definition of reach in Hausa
reach |
verb & noun /riːtʃ/ 1. Kaiwa guri 2. Cimma matsaya 3. Kaiwa wani mataki 4. Idan hannun mutum zai iya kaiwa guri 5. Idan abu yana taɓa wani guri 6. Idan zaka iya yin magana da mutum daga wani guri 7. Gurin da mutum zai iya kaiwa |
Example of reach in a sentence
We hope to reach the town early. muna fatan zamu isa garin da wuri. The rumours eventually reached the President. jita jitar daga ƙarke ta iso ga shugaban ƙasar. We're currently negotiating but we haven't reached decision. a halin yanzu muna tattaunawa ne amma bamu yanke shawara ba tukunna. You're considered adult if you reached age of 20. ana ɗaukan ka a matsayin baligi idan ka kai shekaru ishirin. There is no need to drag her to school, she's reached the age where she can go on her own. babu buƙatar ki riƙa kaita makaranta, ta kai shekarun da zata iya zuwa da kanta. The baby reached for the cup and poured out the water. yaran ya cimma kofin sannan ya zubar da ruwan. Some Muslims consider it sinful to wear a trousers that reached over the ankle. wasu musulmai suna ganin babu kyau mutum ya sanya wando wanda ya wuce idan sahu. Don't worry, the bottles are placed out of their reach. kada ka damu, kwalaban suna guraren da baza su iya cimmawa ba. |
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