Definition of prove in Hausa
prove |
verb /pruːv/ 1. Tabbatar, zamo 2. prove yourself:Nuna cewa kana da ƙwarewa akan abu |
Example of prove in a sentence
Judge proved him innocent. alƙali ya tabbatar cewa bashi da laifi. Many people think he's guilty until proven innocent. yawancin mutane suna tinanin cewa yana da laifi har sai bayan da aka tabbatar cewa bashi da laifi. Discovering gun in his House proved his criminality. gano bindiga a gidansa ya tabbatar da aikata laifinsa.Police were unable to prove his guilty. 'yan sanda sun kasa tabbatar da laifinsa. What does she want to prove? me take son tabbatarwa? Reading this book goes to prove what level of fluency you've in English. karanta wannan littafin zai nuna nisan da kayi gurin ƙwarewa a Turanci. Extinction of some languages and evolving others proved impossible to prevented. mutuwar wasu harsuna tare da farfaɗowar wasu ya zamo abun da bazai yuwu a iya hana aukuwa ba. Coronavirus outbreak has proved to be pandemic. yanzu ya tabbata cewa ɓarkewar cutar nunfashi ta zamo annoba. |
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