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Definition of number in Hausa


noun /ˈnʌmbər/
1. Lamba
2. Jimilla, adadi
3. a number of things: abubuwa masu tarin yawa

verb /ˈnʌmbə/
4. Sanyawa abu lamba
5. Yawan da abubuwa suka kai

Example of number in a sentence

  1. Lamba
  2. Can you tell me the number she wrote on the paper? ko zaka iya gaya mani lambar data rubuta a takaddar?

    He's no longer good with numbers at old age. yanzu daya tsufa yana da matsala gurin yin ƙidaya.

    Number 20 Lagos Street Sabon Gari Zaria. gida mai lamba ashirin layin Lagos dake unguwar Sabon Gari Zaria.

    Please send me your phone number through email. Don Allah ka aiko mini da lambar wayar ka ta email.

    What is the room number? menene lambar ɗakin?

  3. Jimilla ko adadi

  4. The number of people registered for Jamb examination is over one million. yawan mutanen da suka yi rijistar jarabawar Jamb sun haura miliyan ɗaya.

    The number of new cases of typhoid fever in Nigeria appears to be declining. da alama yawan mutanen da suke kamuwa da zazzaɓin typhoid yana raguwa a Nigeria.

    Only a small number of adults die from Malaria fever. manyan mutane ƙalilan ne kawai cutar malaria ke kashewa.

    A large number of crowd gathered before emir palace. mutane masu tarin yawa sun tattaru a gaban fadar sarki.

    But someone told me they were few in number. amma wani ya ce mini basu da yawa.

    Only small numbers of people are starving in the country. mutane 'yan ƙalilan ne kawai suke fama da yunwa a ƙasar.

    Things are different in Africa where large numbers of children are starving. amma abubuwa sun sha bambam a Afrika inda mutane masu tarin yawa suke fama da yunwa.

    Illegal immigrants leaving Africa to Europe in large numbers. 'yan gudun Hijira ba bisa ƙa'ida ba masu tarin yawa suna barin Afrika zuwa Turai.

  5. Abubuwa masu tarin yawa

  6. She stays unmarried for a number of reasons. dalilan da suka sanya ba tayi aure ba suna da yawa.
  7. Sanyawa abu lamba

  8. He asked the painter to number the classrooms. ya buƙaci mai yin fentin daya sanyawa ajujuwan karatun lamba.
  9. Yawan da abubuwa suka kai
  10. Militants who surrendered to military forces numbered over three thousands. tsageran da suka miƙa wuya ga sojoji sun haura dubu uku.

Probably Related words: serial number, 080 Number, 0703 Number, outnumber, mass number, numberless, number one, whole number, days are numbered

Nearest words:
number one, numberless,

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