Definition of matter in Hausa
matter |
noun & verb /ˈmætər/ 1. Sha'ani (= lamari, al'amari) 2. Maƙunshin wanzuwa a cikin falaki. 3. Samun tasiri akan abu 4. The matter: matsalar dake tattare da abu 5. Ana yin amfani da shi a cikin magana domin nuna yanayin ƙanƙantar abu 6. Abu |
Example of matter in a sentence
This is scientific matter - non-scientists ought not to be involved. wannan lamari ne na kimiyya - mai kamata waɗanda ba masana kimiyya ba su sa baki. I've no knowledge of scientific matter. bani da masaniya akan abubuwan da suka shafi kimiyya. You can go to hospital if you think is a matter of emergency. zaka iya zuwa asibiti idan kana tunanin cewa abune na ujula. Money is needed to study in university, but success academically is another matter which required intelligence. ana buƙatar kuɗaɗe domin yin karatu a jami'a, amma yin nasara a karatu shi kuma wani lamari ne dake buƙatar ƙarfin basira. The country already suffered civil war and inflation, and to make matters worse, UN imposed sanctions on the country. dama can ƙasar tayi fama da yaƙin basasa da kuma hauhawan farashin kayayyaki, domin kuma ƙara lalata lamurra, majalisar ɗinkin duniya ta sanyawa ƙasar takunkumi. Seeing a physically disable person suffering isn't a laughing matter. ganin nakasashshe yana shan wahala ba abun dariya bane.
It didn't matter that our President is sick - Nigeria will still continue to function. rashin lafiyar shugaban ƙasarmu bazai wani tasiri ba, Naijeriya zata cigaba da aiki kamar yadda aka saba. Some United States company don't think university degree is important for employing staffs, but it matters to Nigerians. wasu daga cikin kanfanonin ƙasar Amurka basa ganin cewa kammala karatun jami'a yana da wani muhinmanci gurin ɗaukan mutum aiki, amma a gurin 'yan Nigeria su suna ganin abun ba haka yake ba. What's the matter with this computer? it keep malfunctioning. menene matsalar wannan kwanfutar? naga ta cigaba da rashin yin aiki yadda ya kamata. She just went out of the room crying, but i don't know what the matter is with her. ta dai fito daga cikin ɗakin tana kuka, amma ban san me ya sameta ba. You may experience grief if someone you know is died, but the grief was just a matter of a few days. zaka iya yin jimami idan wani wanda ka sani ya mutu, amma wannan jimamin na 'yan wasu kwanaki ne kawai. We used faecal matter on the soil as fertilizer. mun yi amfani da abubuwan da ake samu a bahaya a ƙasar noma a matsayin taki. |
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