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Definition of make in Hausa


verb /meɪk/
1. Samar, haɗa, sarrafa
2. Shirya film
3. Sanya
4. Make certain/sure: a tabbatar
5. Yi, aiwatar
6. Samar da wani adadi
7. Samun kuɗi
8. Isa, cimma

Example of make in a sentence

  1. Samar, haɗa, sarrafa
  2. I bought powdered milk to make some yoghurt. na sayo madarar gari domin haɗa yoghurt

    He is the one who made the yoghurt. shi ne wanda ya haɗa/sarrafa yoghurt ɗin.

    He doesn't buy yoghurt from store, he makes it locally instead. baya siyan yoghurt a shago, shi da kanshi yake haɗawa.

    Artificial intelligence are made to imitate natural intelligence. an yi fasaha mai tunani ce domin ta kwaikwayi basirar mutane.

    This is the boy who makes electronic components. wannan shi ne yaran da yake sarrafa kayan latironi.

    Most Chinese products carry the phrase "made in China". yawancin kayayyakin ƙasar Sin suna ɗauke da kalmar "A ƙasar Sin aka sarrafa"

    Can you mention all the things that are made out of crude oil? ko zaka iya zayyano duk abubuwan da ake samarwa daga ɗanyen man fetur?

  3. Shirya film
  4. What are the top ten movies made in Kannywood this year? wasu finafinai ne fitattu guda goma da aka yi a Kannywood a wannan shekarar?

    Mujadala Hausa movie was made by Kannywood film production. Kamfanin shirin film ɗin Hausa na Kannywood shi ne ya shirya shirin film na Mujadala.

    Any group of people can make film with their mobile phone nowadays. a wannan zamanin kowa zai iya shirya shirin film ta hanyar yin amfani da wayar tafi da gidanka.

  5. Sanya
  6. Cashless money transactions made things difficult for the citizens. daina yin amfani da takardar kuɗi gurin yin siyayya ya sanya lamurra sun yiwa 'yan ƙasa wahala.

    Lack of cash makes marketers reduce their price. rashin kuɗi yana sanya 'yan kasuwa rage farashin kayansu.

    Nothing can make me sell my house. babu abun da zai sanya ni na sayar da gidana.

  7. A tabbatar
  8. You are not safe if you went out alone just make sure you haven't travel far away from the airport. kana cikin haɗari idan ka fita kai kaɗai, kawai dai ka tabbatar da cewa baka yi nisa da filin jirgin saman ba.

    Make sure you informed the police about it. ka tabbatar da cewa ka sanar da 'yan sanda game da lamarin.

    Go back to make sure he fell asleep. ka koma ka tabbatar da cewa ya fara yin bacci.

  9. Yi, aiwatar
  10. I'm making a phone call. ina yin kiran waya.

    Making contributions. bada gudunmawa.

    Many people from Africa make a desperate journey in their attempts to enter Europe illegally. mutane da dama ne daga Afrika suke yin tafiya mai tattare da hatsari a yunƙurinsu na shiga turai ba bisa doka ba.

    He is old enough to make a meaningful decision himself. yayi girman da zai yanke hukuncin daya dace da kansa.

    He made a lot of mistakes. yayi kurakurai masu tarin yawa.

    I doesn't make any effort to rescue them. babu wani abu da yake yi domin ceto su.

    Does this makes sense? shin wannan ya bada wata ma'ana?

    Making an offer. samar da dama.

    Can you make a ten minutes speech? shin zaka iya yin magana ta minti goma?

    I just want to make a suggestion. kawai ina so ne na bayar da shawara.

    The bridge construction doesn't make any progress. ginin gadar baya wani cigaba.

    The child is making trouble. yaran yana tada hatsaniya.

  11. Samar da wani adadi
  12. I want to buy four more batteries and that will make my batteries eight. ina son na sayo ƙarin batira huɗu kuma hakan zai sanya jimillan batirana su zamo takwas.

    Today makes five days consecutively without power supply. yau ne muke cika kwana biyar a jere ba tare da samun wutar lantarki ba.

  13. Samun kuɗi
  14. I make a lot of money online. ina samun kuɗaɗe masu tarin yawa a duniyar gizo.

    Many people make a living online. mutane da dama sun dogara ne ga internet domin samun kuɗaɗen shiga.

    You can hardly make any profit. zai yi wahala ka samu wata riba.

  15. Isa, cimma
  16. Illegal immigrants made it to Europe. baƙin haure sun samu shiga Turai.

    He was detained by police before he make it to the scene. 'yan sanda sun tsareshi kafin ya kai gurin.

Probably Related words: maker, peace maker, trouble maker, money maker, peacemaker, makeup, make up your mind, make an exception, make your way, lawmaker

Nearest words:
maker, makeup, make it, make up, make-up, make sure, make a point, make certain, make your way, make the most of,

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