Definition of leave in Hausa
leave |
verb /liːv/ 1. Barin guri 2. Barin abu ba tare daka tafi da shi ba 3. Barin abu a wani yanayi 4. Bari noun /liːv/ 5. Izini |
Example of leave in a sentence
Some children leave school at 16. wasu yara suna gama makaranta suna masu shekaru goma sha shida. They'll be leaving in the morning. da safiya ne zasu tashi. The armed robbers left the house immediately. 'yan fashi da makamin sun bar gidan nan take. If you can't see her, you can leave a message to her daughter. idan baka ganta ba, zaka iya barin ma 'yarta saƙon. He divorced his wife and left the kids to her. ya saki matarshi sannan ya bar mata yaran. He left his beard unshaved. bai aske gemun shi ba. The war left millions of people homeless. yaƙin ya sanadin miliyoyin mutane sun rasa gidajen su. I always leave my phone charging overnight. a koda yaushe ina barin waya ta tana caji cikin dare. You should leave your window open during hot season. kamata yayi ka riƙa barin tagar ka a buɗe lokacin zafi. I'm depressed just leave me alone. baƙin ciki ya dame ni don Allah ka ƙyale ni ni kaɗai. I left the staffs working in the factory. na bar ma'aikatan suna yin aiki a ma'aikata. He left his battery charging. ya bar batirin shi yana yin caji. She left her husband because be can't pay her bills. ta rabu da mijinta saboda bazai iya biya mata buƙatunta ba. She decided to leave the sex transition because she can't afford it. ta yanke shawarar ta haƙura da sauyin jinsin saboda baza ta iya biyan kuɗin ba. The deceased left a wife, parents and two children. marigayin ya mutu ya bar mata ɗaya, iyaye da kuma yara biyu. He left his belongings to his children. ya barma yaran shi kadarorin shi. It left for you either to accept or to reject. ya rage naka ko ka amsa ko ka bari. I gave her advice and left it to her to make her own decision. na bata shawara kuma na ƙyale ta tayi nazari da kanta. Did they get leave to use school wifi data? shin da izini suke yin amfani da datar makarantar? |
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