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Definition of issue in Hausa


noun /ˈɪʃuː/
1. Lamari
2. Abu
3. Make an issue of something: bawa abu muhinmanci fiye da kima
4. Take issue with something: rashin amincewa da abu
5. Have an issue with sb/sth: samun matsala da mutum ko abu ko nuna rashin yardarka a gareshi
6. At issue: abu mafi muhinmanci da ake tattaunawa akai

verb /ˈɪʃ.uː/
7. Samar da abu a hukumance

Example of issue in a sentence

  1. Lamari
  2. Marriage is a big issue indeed!; we need more time to think about it. lalle Aure babban lamarine, muna buƙatan ƙarin lokaci domin muyi tunani akansa.

    Bbc Hausa usually speaks about Nigerian issues. Bbc Hausa akoda yaushe suna yin magana akan lamurran Nigeria ne.

    "I've difficulty swallowing food" "Don't worry about it" - that's just a temporary issue. "Ina samun matsala gurin haɗiye abinci" "Kada ka damu" - wannan matsalar ba mai jimawa bace.

  3. Abu
  4. Money is not an issue. kuɗi ba wani abu bane.

    I'm not mind dating a black girl, you're the one who's making an issue of it. ban damu da yin soyayya da baƙar mace ba, kai ne dai kake ɗaukan shi wani abu.

    Because i grew up as illiterate, anger is a big issue for me. saboda na girma a matsayin mara ilimi, baƙin ciki shi ne babban abu a guri na.

    If there is any issues regarding this website, please contact us. idan da akwai wata matsala dangane da wannan shafin, tuntuɓe mu.

  5. Rashin amincewa da abu
  6. I took issue with him over his claim that South are more wealthy than the north. na musanta iƙirarin shi na cewa 'yan kudu sun fi 'yan arewa arziki.
  7. Samun matsala ko nuna rashin yarda ga abu
  8. His parents have an issue with him for prioritizing internet instead of focusing on his study. ya samu saɓani shi da iyayen shi akan fifita shiga duniyar gizo a maimakon mayar da hankali akan karatun shi.

    I've never had an issue with my wife over her career. ban taɓa samun matsala da matata ba dangane da sana'arta.

    She's too shy and had issues with public speaking. tana da kunya sosai kuma tana da matsala gurin yin magana a cikin jama'a.

    I have many issues dealing with strangers. ina da matsaloli da yawa gurin yin mu'amala da baƙi.

  9. Abun da ake tattaunawa a kai
  10. The point at issue amid this pandemic is finding vaccine. abun da yafi muhinmanci a wannan lokacin na annobar ciwo shi ne samo rigakafi
  11. Samar da abu a hukumance
  12. The presidential office will issue further notice on Monday. ofishin shugaban ƙasar zai fitar da sanarwa ta gaba ranar litinin.

    The state government issued a statement about lifting the curfew. gwamnatin jiha ta fitar da sanarwa dangane da ɗage dokar hana fita.

Probably Related words: tissue, nonissue, non-issue

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