Definition of hope in Hausa
hope |
verb, noun /həʊp/ tsammani, fata, buri |
Example of hope in a sentence
'Can you buy new car this year? 'i hope so' 'ko zaka sayo sabuwar mota a wannan shekarar?' 'ina sa rai da haka' We hope she had received our message now. muna fatan ta samu saƙon mu yanzu. Do you hope to travel abroad one day? shin kana sa ran zaka fita ƙasar waje wata rana? What do you hope to study in university? me kake sa ran zaka karanta a jami'a? Don't ever give up, there are hopes. kada ka kuskura ka saduda, akwai fata ta gari. Have you see any hope of survival if we take her to hospital? shin kaga alamun zata rayu idan muka kaita asibiti? Unemployed universities graduates without any hope of finding a job are increasing in Nigeria. waɗanda suka kammala karatun Jami'a a Nigeria kuma basu da wata fata ta samun aiki suna ƙara yawaita. She got married at the age of 45, but there's still hope she will conceived. tayi aure tana da shekaru 45, amma akwai fatan cewa zata samu ciki. ambition, aspiration, goal, intention |
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