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Definition of have in Hausa


auxiliary verb /hæv/,/həv/,/əv/
1. Ana yin amfani da shi tare da past participle domin samar da present perfect da kuma past perfect

verb /həv/
2. Kasancewa kana da abu
3. Kamuwa da rashin lafiya
4. Aikata abun da aka ambato
5. Cin abinci ko shan abin sha
6. Samu ko yarjewa
7. Fama da matsalar da wani ya janyo maka
8. Fuskantar wani abu
9. Haihuwan jariri

modal verb /həv/
10. have to do sth: idan akwai buƙatar ayi wani abu

Example of have in a sentence

  1. Ana yin amfani da shi domin samar da present perfect da past perfect
  2. I've received my January salary. albashi na na watan Janairu ya iso gareni.

    Zulaihat hasn't returned yet. Zulaihat bata dawo ba tukunna.

    I haven't ever used IPhone in my lifetime. ban taɓa yin amfani da wayar IPhone ba a rayuwa ta.

    Have you exhausted your Salary? shin ka gama kashe albashin ka?

    Has she graduated from university? shin ta kammala karatun jami'a?

    Despite the interrogation, the police hadn't had any information from the suspect. duk da tatsan bayanan da aka yi, 'yan sandan basu samu wani bayani daga gurin wanda ake zargin ba.

  3. Kasancewa kana da abu
  4. Nigeria have abundant natural resources. Nigeria tana da tarin ma'adanan ƙarƙashin ƙasa.

    Although he's busy, i think he has time for browsing the internet. duk da cewa akwai ayyuka a gaban shi, ina tinanin yana da lokacin shiga duniyar gizo.

    You can come to witness what happened if you have time. zaka iya zuwa ka shaida abun daya faru idan ka samu lokaci.

    She has got experience working for the company. ta samu gogewa da take yin aiki a kamfanin.

  5. Kamuwa da rashin lafiya
  6. Three doctors had covid-19. likitoci uku sun kamu da cutar nunfashi.

    I've got malaria fever. na kamu da cutar malaria.

  7. Aikata abun da aka ambato
  8. Ask him to have a bath. ka buƙace shi da yayi wanka.

    I had a bath this morning. nayi wanka da wannan safiyar.

    We had a conversation with her yesterday. mun yi fira da ita jiya.

    I usually have a rest when i tired? a duk lokacin dana gaji ina hutawa.

  9. Cin abinci ko shan abun sha
  10. I had rice and beans for breakfast. zanyi karin kumallo da shinkafa da wake.

    I'm thirsty, please let me have some water. ina jin ƙishi ɗan bani ruwa.

  11. Samu ko yarjewa
  12. Have a wife, she'll calm your nerves. ka samu mata, zata kwantar maka da hankali.

    Let me have one more orange. ina buƙatar a bani ƙarin lemu ɗaya.

  13. Fama da matsalar da wani ya janyo maka
  14. She had her head cut off. an fille mata kai.
  15. Fuskantar wani abu
  16. We receive our monthly salary each month, we didn't have any problem thereof. muna samun albashin mu duk wata, bamu samun wata matsala game da wannan.

    She is the only person who hasn't been having much luck. ita ce kawai wacce bata samun sa'a.

  17. Haihuwan jariri
  18. Zulaihat had her baby in January. Zulaihat ta haifi jaririnta a watan Janairu.

    My parents had me in their twenties. iyayena sun haife ni ne lokacin da suke shekara ishirin da wani abu.

  19. Buƙatar kayi wani abu
  20. I have to focus on my study to pass the examination. akwai buƙatar na mayar da hankali akan karatu na domin cin jarabawa.

    What do you have to achieved before you turned 30? me ya kamata ace ka samu kafin ka cika shekaru talatin?

    Do you have to stay with us tonight? shin akwai buƙatar ka tsaya tare damu da dare?

    We'll have to start saving for sallah festival. akwai buƙatar mu fara tara kuɗaɗe domin yin bikin sallah.

    I suffer from headache so I've to stay at home today. ina fama da ciwon kai don haka ya kamata na tsaya yau a gida.

Probably Related words: behave, shave, haven't, misbehave, shaver, unshaven, clean shaven, aftershave, haven, a close shave

Nearest words:
haven, haven't, have time, have time, have sth in hand, have nerves of steel, have other fish to fry, have something in mind, have bigger fish to fry, have something on your mind,

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