rantsuwa | noun : oath, swear, affidavit ... | |
rara | noun : surplus ... | |
rariya | noun : sieve, sifter ... | |
rarraba | verb To distribute or assign something in shares or ... | |
rarrabawa | 1. Distributing 2. Classifying 3. Sharing ... | |
rarrabe | verb To separate items into different categories or types: 1. ... | |
rarrabu | verb 1. Split 2. Divide ... | |
rarrabuwa | 1. Classification 2. Distribution 3. Divisions ... | |
rarrabuwar kai | noun : fray ... | |
rarrafe | crawling ... | |
rarrauna | Lacking physical strength, energy or something that's vulnerable or deficient ... | |
raruma | To take hold of something suddenly and forcefully: verb 1. ... | |
rarumi | To take hold of something suddenly and forcefully: verb 1. ... | |
rasa | To be without something necessary, desirable, or expected: verb 1. Lack 2. ... | |
rasa ta cewa | speechless ... | |
Rasha | Russia ... | |
rashawa | noun : bribe ... | |
rashi | noun 1. Lack 2. Loss 3. Deficiency ... | |
rashin adalci | 1. Injustice 2. Unfairness ... | |
rashin aikin yi | 1. Unemployment 2. Joblessness ... | |
rashin bacci | 1. Sleepless 2. Insomnia ... | |
rashin biyayya | The act of not obeying rules or laws: 1. Disobedience 2. Insubordination 3. ... | |
rashin dacewa | Not fitting for the context or circumstances, or not aligned ... | |
rashin daidaito | 1. Inequality 2. Unfair 3. Imbalance 4. Discrepancy ... | |
rashin gaskiya | 1. Inconsistency 2. Incoherence ... | |
rashin hankali | 1. Senseless 2. Insanity ... | |
rashin haƙuri | impatience ... | |
rashin jin daɗi | A feeling of mental or emotional unease: 1. Discomfort 2. Not feeling ... | |
rashin kirki | immorality ... | |
rashin kula | To fail to notice or consider something: 1. Overlook 2. Negligence ... | |
rashin kunya | Intentional lack of respect toward elders or social norms: 1. Insolence 2. ... | |
rashin kuskure | 1. Infallibility 2. Errorless ... | |
rashin ladabi | A lack of courtesy or respect: 1. Discourtesy 2. Impoliteness 3. Irreverence ... | |
rashin lafiya | The condition of being ill or unwell: 1. Sickness 2. Illnesses 3. Disorder ... | |
rashin mutumci | colloquialisminhumanity see : rashin mutunci ... | |
rashin mutunci | inhumanity ... | |
rashin mutuwa | immortality ... | |
rashin nishaɗi | lack of entertainment ... | |
rashin sa'a | 1. Unlucky 2. Unfortunate ... | |
rashin tsari | noun : disorder (a state of confusion or ... | |
rashin tsoro | fearlessness ... | |
rashin ƙarfi | powerlessness ... | |
rashin ƙwarewa | A lack of skill or ability in a particular area: 1. ... | |
rassa | branches ... | |
rasu | die ... | |
rasuwa | death ... | |
rata | 1. Interval 2. Gap ... | |
rataya | hang ... | |
rataye | hang ... | |
ratayewa | hanging ... | |
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