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Definition of get in Hausa


verb /ɡet/
1. Samu
2. Isowa wani guri
3. Kaiwa wani mataki
4. Kamuwa da rashin lafiya
5. Haifar da, yin sanadin aukuwar abu
6. Kasancewa wani abu ya sameka
7. Matsawa zuwa wani guri
8. Hawa kan abun hawa
9. Samun dama
10. Jin magana, fahimtar magana

Example of get in a sentence

  1. Samu
  2. I got a letter from Halima this morning? Na samu wasiƙa daga gurin Halima safiyar yau.

    He gets about ₦40000 a year. yana samun kimanin Naira dubu arba'in a shekara.

    The children get sufficient foods. Yaran suna samun ishashshen abinci.

    You can get a cheap mobile phone for just ten thousands Naira. zaka samu waya mai arha akan kuɗi Naira dubu goma kawai.

    Where can you get cheap mobile from? a ina zaka samu waya mai arha?

    Synonyms (kalmomi masu alaƙa)
    obtain, acquire

  3. Isowa wani guri
  4. The bank is far away from the town but you can get there earlier if you take the Tudun wada road. bankin yana nesa da garin amma zaka iya zuwa gurin akan lokaci idan kabi ta hanyar Tudun wada.

    How long will it take me to get home? tsawon wani lokaci zan ɗauka kafin na kai gida?

    Wait for me if you get to the house. ka jira ni idan ka isa gida.

  5. Kaiwa wani mataki
  6. Your website will receive a lot of traffic if you get to the top ten in Google search results. shafinka na internet zai samu maziyarta masu tarin yawa idan ya kasance a cikin goman farko a shafin google.

    His depression got to the stage where therapy is the only way out. baƙin-cikinsa ya kai matakin da shawarwarin ƙwararru ne kawai mafita a gareshi.

    All his friends achieved success except Awwal who doesn't getting anywhere. duk abokanensa sunyi arziki amma banda Awwal wanda shi babu wani cigaba da yake samu.

    I usually get depressed when I lost my source of incomes. na kasance ina matuƙar faɗawa cikin damuwa idan na rasa hanyar samun kuɗaɗena.

    Does he getting any progress in his business? shin yana samun wani cigaba a kasuwancinsa?

    He is getting more and more older. yana cigaba da ƙara tsufa.

    Anxiety is a temporary problem and you will get over it one day. zullumi matsalace ta ɗan wani lokaci kuma zaka rabu da shi wata rana.

    How did you get to that stage? ya aka yi ka kai wannan matakin?

  7. Kamuwa da rashin lafiya
  8. You can get a flu from someone. zaka iya kamuwa da mura daga wani mutumin.
  9. Haifar da, yin sanadin aukuwar abu
  10. What should I do to get them discharged from police custody? me ya kamata nayi domin ganin an sakesu daga hannun 'yan sanda?

    We are going to get police know they are innocent. muna so ne 'yan sanda su fahimci cewa basu da laifi.

    We get them frightened. mun sanyasu sun tsorata.

    How can I get my old car repaired? ya za'a yi na sanya tsohuwar motata ta fara aiki?

  11. Kasancewa wani abu ya sameka
  12. The notorious criminal got arrested by police for drug trafficking. 'yan sandan sun kama sanannen mujrimin nan saboda safarar miyagun ƙwayoyi.

    When are you getting married? yaushe zaka yi aure?

  13. Matsawa zuwa wani guri
  14. He's no tall enough to get into the window. bashi da tsawon da zai iya kaiwa zuwa ga tagar.

    Get out of my sight! ɓace min da gani.

    I got down quickly when the fire broke out. na sakko ƙasa da sauri lokacin da wuta ta fara ci.

  15. Hawa kan abun hawa
  16. You can get a bus early morning. zaka samu motar bus wacce zaka hau da sanyin safiya.
  17. Samun dama
  18. I got to greet him when I found him at home na samu damar gaishe shi a lokacin dana same shi a gida.

    I never got to date when I was younger. ban samu damar yin soyayya ba lokacin da nake ƙarami.

    We don't get to sleep in police custody. bamu samu damar yin bacci ba lokacin da muke hannun 'yan sandan.

  19. Jin magana, fahimtar magana
  20. Have you get what he says? shin kana jin abun da yake cewa?

    You can't teach young children this topic because they hardly get it. ba zai yiwu ka koyawa ƙananan yara wannan darasin ba domin zai yi wahala su fahimta.

Phrasal Verb
get around, get along, get ahead, get around to something, get at someone, get at something, get away, get away with something, get back, get in, get off, get on

Probably Related words: budget, forget, together, vegetable, apologetic, apologetics, beget, target, forgetting, fidget

Nearest words:
get in, get on, get up, get off, get out, get away, get back, get over, get ahead, get along,

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