Definition of gap in Hausa
gap |
noun /ɡæp/ 1. Tazara tsakanin abu biyu 2. Gap in the market: wata muhimmiyar dama da zata iya haɓaka kasuwanci wacce kuma mutane suka yi watsi da ita 3. Banbancin dake tsakanin abubuwa biyu 4. Sararawa (tsawon lokacin da abu ya ɗauka baya faruwa) |
Example of gap in a sentence
We employ uneducated youths with the intention to reduce the economic gap between educated and non-educated in the state. muna ɗaukan matasa marasa ilimi aiki da nufin rage tazara ta ƙarfin arziki tsakanin masu ilimi da marasa ilimi a jihar. App development has alot of potential but most people aren't aware, there is a huge gap in the market that needs to be filled. sarrafa manhajar wayar tafi da gidanka sana'a ce da zata iya haɓaka sosai amma mutane da yawa basu ankare ba, akwai ƙarancin masu wannan sana'a kuma akwai buƙatar aga cewa sun ƙaru. The bank is now resumed after a gap of two years. bankin yanzu ya dawo da aiki bayan tsaikon shekaru biyu. After a gap of months, covid 19 is now spreading. bayan sararawar watanni da aka samu, yanzu cutar nunfashi ta cigaba da yaɗuwa. |
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