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Definition of form in Hausa


verb, noun /fɔːm/
1. Samu, wanzu, tattaru, samar
2. Takadda mai rubutu ta hukuma
3. Nau'i
4. Sura ko siffa
5. Wani sashin kalma da yake da ma'ana ta musamman
6. Ajin karatu

Example of form in a sentence

  1. Samu, wanzu, tattaru, samar
  2. Zamfara state was formed by Ibrahim badamasi babangida. Ibrahim Badamasi babangida shi ne ya ƙirƙiro da jihar Zamfara.

    The river forms the boundary between Nigeria and Benin. Ruwane ya samar da iyaka tsakanin Najeriya da benin.

    In English, the past tense is usually formed by adding 'ed'. A Turancin ingilishi, akoda yaushe akan samad da 'past tense ne ta hanyar yin amfani da haruffan 'ed'

    People formed around the venue. mutane sun tattaru a gurin da za'a yi taron.

    Wisdom began to form in her mind. hikima ya fara zuwan mata a zuciya.

    People from different ethnic groups formed Nigerian government. mutane daga sassa daban daban na Nigeria ne suka kafa gwamnatin ƙasar.

    US invasion in Iraq formed Islamist fighters. mamaye ƙasar Iraqi da Amurka tayi shi yayi sanadiyyar ɓullar ƙungiyoyi masu tsatstsauran ra'ayin addinin musulinci.

  3. Takadda mai rubutu ta hukuma
  4. Fill in the form using biro. ka cike kakaddar ta hanyar amfani da biro
  5. Nau'i
  6. Bicycle is a form of transfort in most parts of Nigeria. Keke na daga cikin hanyoyin sufuri a yawancin sassan Nigeria

    Walking and running are forms of exercise for shedding weight. yin tafiya da kuma gudu wasu nau'in motsa jiki ne domin rage munmunan ƙiba.

    Body language is a form of non-verbal communication. saƙwannin da jiki yake nunawa wani salon aika saƙwanni ne da ba sai anyi amfani da murya ba.

    The father's only form of affection towards his children is paying their bills. biyan ma yara kuɗaɗen da suke buƙata shi ne kawai damuwar da uban yake nunawa ga 'ya'yan shi.

    Malaria drugs can be taken in liquid or tablet form. Za'a iya yin amfani da kodai sanfurin maganin malaria na ruwa ko kuma na ƙwayoyi.

  7. Sura ko siffa
  8. Some buildings in Abuja were built in the form of lion. wasu gine gine a Abuja an gina sune a siffar Zaki.

  9. Wani sashin kalma da yake da ma'ana ta musamman
  10. 'Phones' is the plural form of 'Phone'. Kalmar 'Phones' shi ne yanayin yanda ake rubuta jam'in 'Phone'

    Present continuous form of "eat" is "eating". "eating" shi ne ake rubutawa domin nuna cewa ana kan cin abinci a maimakon "eat"

    "Hers" is the possessive form of "her". "Hers" shi ne alamar mallaka na mace.

    "Wasn't" is the short form of "Was not".
    "Wasn't" shi ne ake yin amfani da shi domin taƙaita kalmar "Was not"

  11. Ajin karatu
  12. Wannan kalmar kuma zata iya dauƙar ma'anan 'ajin karatu' (koda yake dai wannan ya zama tsohon yayi yanzu, gwamma kayi amfani da 'class')

Probably Related words: conform, format, formation, former, information, perform, transform, inform, formerly, formula

Nearest words:
formal, format, former, formula, formally, formerly, formless, formality, formation, formulate,

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