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Definition of fall in Hausa


verb & noun /fɔːl/
1. Faɗi
2. Ragu
3. Faɗo
4. Durƙusa
5. Idan abu ya shafi wani ne ko wani abu
6. Fara yin wani abu
7. Idan ranar faruwar abu ya kama a wani takamammen lokaci ko wani guri
8. Sakko
9. Idan aka ci wasu da yaƙi

Example of fall in a sentence

  1. Faɗi
  2. Verb

    Some of her books had fallen onto the floor. wasu daga cikin takaddunta sun faɗi ƙasa.

    She fell in love with Hasan. ta faɗa soyayya da Hasan.

    He ran after her but unfortunately he fell down and injured his knees. ya biyo ta da gudu amma sai dai anyi rashin sa'a ya faɗi ya raunata gwiwowin shi.

    If you fell into the river without knowing how to swim; there is big chance you'll die. idan ka faɗa ruwa ba tare da sanin yadda zaka yi nunƙaya ba, to akwai yuwuwar mutuwa zaka yi.

    She fell off her motorcycle when she got an accident. ta faɗo daga kan babur ɗinta lokacin data yi haɗari.

    She almost fell out peeping from upstairs. ta kusa faɗowa waje lokacin da take leƙe daga saman bene.

    The mango that fell under the lorry was crushed completely. an take mangwaron data faɗa ƙasan motar gabaki ɗaya.


    He had accidental fall this morning. yayi faɗuwa bisa tsautsayi da wannan safiyar.

    The fall of Usman empire. rugujewar daular Usmaniya.

    A good foundation prevent the fall. tubali mai kyau shi ne ya hana faɗuwa.

    He's now very conscious after he fell while passing the road. yanzu yana ankarewa bayan ya faɗi lokacin da yake tsallake hanya.

    Nobody got injury in the fall. babu wanda ya samu rauni a faɗuwar.

    The child is no longer riding a bicycle after a fall. yanzu yaran ya daina tuƙa keke bayan ya faɗi.

  3. Ragu
  4. Verb

    My monthly earnings has fallen due to coronavirus outbreak. kuɗaɗen dana ke samu a wata sun ragu sakamakon ɓarkewar cutar nunfashi.

    The value of the company has fallen during this recession. darajar kamfanin ta ragu a wannan lokacin na koma bayan tattalin arziki.

    Company's production  is projected to fall amid this lockdown. kayayyakin da kamfanin yake samarwa ana harsashen zai ragu a wannan lokacin da aka sanya dokar hana fita.

    Unemployment rate may not fall anytime soon. yawan marasa aikin yi bazai ragu nan kusa ba.

    Your body temperature will fell and rise if you've malaria fever. idan kana fama da zazzaɓin malaria, zafin jikinka zai riƙa hawa yana sauka.

    Naira has fallen significantly against dollar in year 2014. a shekara ta 2014, darajan Naira ya faɗi sosai idan aka kwatanta da dala.


    People rush to buy android phones due to fall in the price. mutane suna sauri su sayi wayar android saboda sauƙin farashi.

    If you're living close to market, you can always hear rise and fall of voices. idan kana zama kusa da kasuwa, zakai ta jin ana ɗaga murya kuma ana ragewa.

    The company will recover shortly despite the fall in their sells. kamfanin zai murmure kwanannan duk da raguwar ciniki da suka samu.

  5. Faɗo
  6. Rain fall from April to October in Kaduna state. ana samun saukan ruwan sama a jihar Kaduna daga watan Afrilu zuwa watan October.

    The leaves of the tree started to fall in dry season. ganyayyakin bishiyan ya fara zubewa a lokacin rani.

    Some mangoes fell into his room through window. wasu mangwaro sun faɗo cikin ɗakin shi ta taga.

    Branch of a tree fell on his car. reshen bishiya ya faɗo kan motar shi.

  7. Durƙusa
  8. The class teacher asked all the students to fall to their knees. malamin makarantar ya buƙaci dukkan ɗaliban dasu durƙusa gwiwowin su a ƙasa.
  9. Idan abu ya shafi wani
  10. Federal government pipeline construction falls into three states - Kano, Kaduna and Niger. shinfiɗa bututu na gwamnatin tarayya ya shafi jihohi uku ne - Kano, Kaduna da Naija.

    Knowing what you're doing fall in consciousness. sanin abun da kake yi shi ake kira farga.

    The unemployment allowances should be fall into this year budget. ya kamata a sanya kuɗaɗen tallafin marasa aikin yi a cikin kasafin wannan shekaran.

    Which parts of speech does this sentence fall into - metaphor or Hyperbole? wannan jimlar wacce irin karin magana ce - 'metaphor' ko 'Hyperbole'?

    The following sentence falls outside figures of speech. wannan jimlar da zamu anbato bata cikin karin magana.

    Sending troops to affected regions fell inside President authority. aikawa da dakaru zuwa yankunan da abun ya shafa yana ƙarƙashin ikon shugaban ƙasa ne.

  11. Fara yin wani abu
  12. I easily fall asleep if i drink large quantity yoghurt. ina saurin fara yin bacci idan nasha madara mai yawa.

    She fell ill after returning from the journey. ta fara rashin lafiya bayan dawowa daga tafiya.

    The company had started to fall into bankruptcy. kamfanin ya fara talaucewa.

    He fell unconscious after a blow on his head. ya sume bayan buguwa a kai.

  13. Faruwa a wani lokaci ko guri
  14. Ramadam nowadays falls in raining season. yanzu ana yin azumi ne a cikin damuna.

    I and my friend's birthday falls on the same day. ranar haihuwa ta dana abokina duk rana ɗaya ne.

    Night had fallen when i was in Kano. dare ya yi mini a Kano.

    His name fell on the last paragraph. sunan shi yazo ne a sakin layi na ƙarke.

  15. Sakko
  16. Nigerian women's hair doesn't fall around shoulders unlike Indians. gashin matan Nigeria baya saukowa har kafaɗa irin na matan India.

    Any hijab that doesn't fall over bosoms is un-islamic. duk wani hijabi da bai sakko ya rufe nonuwan mace ba to ya saɓa da shari'ar musulinci.

  17. Idan aka ci wasu da yaƙi
  18. The fall of Usman empire. rugujewar daular Usmaniya (bayan an ci galabarta da yaƙi)

    Murtala Muhammad took control of Nigeria after Yakubu gowan fall from power. Murtala Muhammad ya karɓi ikon tafiyar da Nigeria bayan Yakubu Gowon ya rasa muƙamin shi.

Probably Related words: fallacy, fallen, fall asleep, befall, befallen, fallacious, fallible, fallow, infallible, infallibility

Nearest words:
fallen, fallow, fallacy, fallible, fall away, fall back, fall down, fall flat, fall apart, fallacious,

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