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Definition of used to in Hausa

used to

1. Kasance
2. Sabawa da

Example of used to in a sentence

  1. Kasance
  2. Bello used to convey goods to Lagos. Bello ya kasance yana kai kaya Lagos.

    Women used to live longer than men. Mata sun kasance suna tsawon rai fiye da Maza.

    When i got offended, my hands used to shake. idan rai na ya ɓaci, hannaye na sun kasance suna girgiza.

    It used to get heavy rain in August. ya kasance ana samun ruwa mai ƙarfi a watan August.

    Nigerians used to think that our oil will never drain. 'Yan Naijeriya sun kasance suna tunanin cewa man fetir ɗin mu bazai ƙare ba.

    A kuma duba gurin tend

  3. Sabawa da
  4. People in rural areas used to farming. mutanen dake yankin karkara sun saba da yin noma.

    My children are not used to mocking people. yarana basa tsokanan mutane.

    Police used to dealing with hardened criminals. 'yan sanda sun saba da fama da tantiran mujrimai.

    It may takes up to a month to get used to this environment. zai iya ɗaukan wata ɗaya kafin ka saba da wannan muhallin.

    How comes some women used to sharing their husbands with other women? ta yaya wasu mata suke sabawa da mijin da yake ƙara aure?.

    I'm not used to sleeping in the morning. ban saba da yin baccin safiya ba.

    I'm that person who hate public speaking but I hope one day I will get used to it. ni wani irin mutum ne wanda baya san yin magana a cikin jama'a amma ina fatar wata rana zan saba da yin magana a bainar jama'a.

    Despite years of trials and errors I just can't get used to making public speaking. duk da shekaru dana ɗauka ina faɗi-tashi amma na gaza sabawa da yin magana a cikin jama'a.

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