Definition of suppose in Hausa
suppose |
verb /səˈpəʊz/ 1. Kamata 2. Ɗauka cewa 3. Ganin cewa |
Example of suppose in a sentence
Lady supposed to ask her husban if she want to go out. Ya kamata mace ta tambayi mijinta idan tana so ta fita waje. You're not supposed to smoke in filling station. Bai kamata ku busa hayaƙi a gidan mai ba. Nigerian police are supposed to prevent crime. ya kamata 'yan sandan Nigeria su hana (aikata) laifuka. He found it more easier to sell the products in the market than he supposed it would be. ya fahimci cewa zai fi sauƙi idan ya siyar da kayan a kasuwa fiye da yadda yake tsammani. Do you suppose that more products will be sell in the market? shin kana nufin za'a siyar da kayayyaki da yawa a cikin kasuwar? Nigerians mostly supposed that people to get married in their twenties and thirties. yawancin 'yan Nigeria suna ganin cewa ya kamata mutane suyi aure lokacin da suka kai shekaru ishirin da wani abu ko talatin da wani abu. I suppose it's too late to apply for that job now. Ina ganin cewa an makara gurin neman aikin yanzu. Suppose you have two million Naira, what would you do?. Mu ɗauka cewa ka samu Naira miliyan biyu, me zaka yi? I suppose he could have shot himself, but where would he have got the gun? na ɗauka cewa ya harba kansa, amma a ina ne zai iya samun bindiga? I suppose Bello will be late, as usual. na ɗauka cewa bello zai makara, kamar dai koda yaushe. |
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