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Definition of pay in Hausa


verb /peɪ/
1. Biyan kuɗi

2. Samar da wani alfanu ko ƙaruwa
3. Bada wani abu ko yin wani abu
4. pay attention (to sth): maida hankali ga abu
5. pay a call/visit: ziyartar mutum ko wani guri

noun /peɪ/
6. Kuɗaɗen da ake biyan ma'aikata

Example of pay in a sentence

  1. Biyan kuɗi
  2. I pay for this website. ina biyan kuɗin (aikace aikacen) wannan shafin.

    Are you paying in cash or by credit card? Shin zaka biya kuɗi hannu ne ko kuma zaka biya da katin siyayya?

    He still hasn't paid me the money he owes me. har yanzu bai biya ni kuɗin da nake binsa ba.

    How much do they pay you for digging this hole? nawa suke biyan ka domin ka haƙa musu wannan ramin?

    Many people now join kidnapping because family of the victims pay out a lot of money to get their children or siblings free. mutane masu yawa yanzu sun rungumi ɗabi'ar yin garkuwa da mutane saboda iyalan waɗanda ake yin garkuwa dasu suna biyan maƙudan kuɗaɗe don ganin an saki 'ya'ya ko 'yan uwansu da aka yi garkuwa dasu.

    There is no need to pay someone to paint our house. babu buƙatar mu biya wani domin ya yiwa gidan mu fenti.

    Big companies pays well. manyan kanfanoni suna biyan ma'aikata albashi mai tsoka.

    But staffs in the company complain that they are poorly pay. amma ma'aikata a kamfanin suna ƙorafin cewa ba'a biyan su albashi mai tsoka.

  3. Samar da wani alfanu ko ƙaruwa

  4. It never pays to take part in online fraud as EFCC can easily trace and arrest you. babu riba tattare da shiga harkar danfara ta duniyar gizo domin cikin sauƙi hukumar EFCC zata gano tare da cafke ka.

    Terrorism doesn't pay. babu uwar da zaka tsinana ta hanyar aikata ta'addanci.

    It pays to think before taking actions. zai fi dacewa kayi nazari kafin ka ɗauki mataki.

    It never pays to join criminal organizations. babu riba tattare da shiga ƙungiyoyin mujrimai.

  5. Bada abu ko yin wani abu

  6. A meeting has been held in Abuja to paid tribute to the achievements of the scientist. an yi taro a Habuja domin nuna jinjina ga nasarorin da masanin kimiyyar ya samu.

    People from all over Nigeria gathered to pay their respects to the Nigerian scientist. mutane a ko'ina cikin Nigeria sun tattaru domin nuna girmamawa ga masanin kimiyyar na Nigeria.

  7. Maida hankali ga abu

  8. Please pay attention to what is happening. don Allah ka mayar da hankali akan abun dake faruwa.
  9. Ziyartar mutum ko wani guri

  10. I'm unreachable at the moment but I'll pay you a call when i come back. yanzu bana gari amma zan ziyarce ka idan na dawo.

    He'd paid a visit to the emir Palace during his trip to Kano. ya ziyarci fadar sarki lokacin daya yi bulaguro zuwa Kano.

    When are you going to pay a call on her? yaushe ne zaka kai mata ziyara?

  11. Kuɗaɗen da ake biyan ma'aikata

  12. Digging a hole is a hard manual labour but the pay is decent. haƙa rami aikin hannu ne mai wahala amma kuɗaɗen da ake biya babu laifi.

Probably Related words: payment, payable, repayment, taxpayer, payback, payee, payoff, repay, repayable, spay

Nearest words:
payee, payoff, payable, payback, payment, payroll, paycheck,

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