Definition of opinion in Hausa
opinion |
noun /əˈpɪnjən/ ra'ayi |
Example of opinion in a sentence Have you asked their opinion about cashless transactions? shin ka tambayi ra'ayinsu game da yin siyayya ba tare da kuɗi ba?Many people are reluctant to express opinion on cashless transactions. mutane da dama suna ɗari ɗarin bayar da ra'ayinsu akan yin siyayya ba tare da takaddun kuɗi ba. In my opinion, I don't think cashless transaction is possible. a ra'ayina bana tinanin cewa abune mai yuwuwa a daina yin amfani da takaddun kuɗi gurin yin siyayya. He has a strong opinion that cashless transaction should be adopted. yana da tsatstsauran ra'ayin cewa ya kamata a rungumi tsarin yin siyayya ba tare da kuɗi ba. General opinion. ra'ayin ɗaukacin al'umma. We want to hear different kinds of opinion in order to make a conclusion. muna buƙatar muji ra'ayoyi mabambanta domin mu yanke shawara. He and his wife had different opinions. shi da matarsa suna da ra'ayoyi mabambanta. They are all right, it's just a matter of opinion. dukkaninsu suna da gaskiya, kawai dai saɓanin ra'ayi ne. My opinion of them is positive. ra'ayina a garesu mai kyau ne. But everybody has a negative opinion of their characters. amma kowa yana ganin mugun hali suke da shi. point of view, viewpoint |
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