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Definition of open in Hausa


adjective /ˈəʊpən/
1. Buɗe/buɗaɗɗe (abun da yake ba'a rufe ba)
2. Buɗe (wani abu ko wani guri da aka fara yin amfani da shi)
3. Wanda ba'a kewaye ko kare ba
4. Abun da yake samamme ne, abu mara iyaka
5. Abun da yake a bayyana, abun da bana sirri bane

verb /ˈəʊpən/
6. Buɗe (misali buɗe taro ko buɗe asusun ajiya a banki)
7. Buɗe abun da yake a rufe
8. Samar da abu

Example of open in a sentence

  1. Buɗe/buɗaɗɗe
  2. He entered the house through an open door. ya shiga gidan ta ƙofar da take a buɗe.

    She holds an open purse. tana rike da jakar hannu wacce take a buɗe.

    What is the points of letting your doors open always? menene manufar barin ƙofofin ka koda yaushe a buɗe?

  3. Abun da aka fara yin amfani da shi

  4. Schools and hospitals are now open after the strike. an sake buɗe makarantu da asibitoci bayan dawowa daga yajin aiki.

    The railway station which took five months to be constructed will be open soon. tashar jirgin ƙasar wacce aka ɗauki tsawon watanni biyar ana gina ta zata fara aiki bada jimawa ba.

  5. Wanda ba'a kewaye ko kare ba
  6. The Fulani herdsmen tending their cows in an open field. Fulani makiyaya suna kiwon shanun su a fili wanda babu (bishiyoyi ko gine-gine) da suka kewaye shi.
  7. Samammen abu mara iyaka

  8. Is there any chance for getting job open to uneducated people? shin akwai yuwuwar mutanen da basu yi karatu ba zasu samu aiki?

    Joining Nigerian army is open to young Nigerians from any state. matasa daga kowacce jiha a Nigeria zasu iya shiga aikin soja.

    His decision to marry a woman who is twenty years older than him is open to criticism. shawarar daya yanke na auran macen data girme shi da shekaru ashirin yana tattare da shan suka.

  9. Abun da ba sirri bane

  10. We didn't notice any open disputes between them. bamu ga cewa akwai wata bayyananniyar sa'insa ba a tsakanin su.

    I like the way she's very open about her lack of knowledge. ina son yadda bada ɓoye cewa bata son abu ba.

    But Sunisi's wife isn't more open with her husband, she rarely tell him her feelings. amma matar sunusi bata yawan gayawa mijin ta sirrukan ta, ba kasafai take bayyana mashi abun dake damun ta ba.

  11. Buɗe ko fara aiwatarwa

  12. He always open the meeting by representing himself. a koda yaushe yana buɗe taron ne ta hanyar gabatar da kanshi.

    I and my wife are going to open an account with UBA bank. ni da matata zamu buɗe asusun ajiya a bankin UBA.

    A new library will be inaugurated and open tomorrow. za'a ƙaddamar tare da buɗe sabon ɗakin karatu gobe.

  13. Buɗe abun da yake a rufe

  14. I asked Zulaihat to open the window. na buƙaci Zulaihat data buɗe tagar.

    Open your eyes to see what is happening now. buɗe idanuwanka domin ganin abun dake faruwa yanzu.

    Please open this for me. ɗan buɗe min wannan kwalbar.

    Who will open the letter? waye zai buɗe wasiƙar?

    Click here to open the next page. latsa nan domin buɗe shafi na gaba.

  15. Samar da

  16. Constructing railway to link Nigeria with Niger Republic opens up the possibility of growing business between these two countries. shinfiɗa titin jirgin ƙasa domin ya haɗe Nigeria da jamhuriyar Nijar yayi sanadin yuwuwar bunƙasar kasuwanci a tsakanin waɗannan ƙasashen biyu.

Probably Related words: opener, opening, openly, reopen, unopened, openminded, open-minded, open minded, open-source, open source

Nearest words:
opener, openly, opening, openness, open fire, openminded, open minded, open source, open-handed, open-minded,

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