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Definition of go in Hausa


verb /ɡəʊ/
1. Tafi, je
2. Kaiwa ga wani guri
3. going to do: faruwa nan gaba
4. Zamantowa
6. Tafiyar lokaci
7. Zama cikin wani hali
8. Dusashewa
9. Kasancewa tare
10. Dacewa
11. Wakana

Example of go in a sentence

  1. Tafi, je
  2. We went into our class and started reading. mun tafi cikin ajinmu mun fara karatu.

    He goes to school daily except Saturday and Sunday. yana zuwa makaranta kullun banda (ranakun) Asabar da Lahadi.

    My father has gone to China. mahaifina ya tafi ƙasar Sin.

    Pilgrims from Northern Nigeria were once go to mecca by donkeys. a zamanin baya mahajjata daga arewacin Nigeria suna zuwa aikin haji akan jakuna.

    He's so tired to go any further. yayi gajiyar da ba zai iya ƙara matsawa gaba ba.

    Go up/down. yi ƙasa ko sama.

    Go through. shiga cikin wani yanayi.

    Let's go. mu tafi.

  3. Kaiwa ga wani guri
  4. The railway line goes to Abuja. hanyar jirgin ƙasar zata kai ka har zuwa Abuja.

    There's heavy rain yesterday that went from Bauchi to Kano. anyi ruwa mai ƙarfi jiya wanda ya fara tunda Bauchi har zuwa Kano.

    Her gown went from shoulder to ankle. tsawon rigarta ya kai har idon sahu.

  5. Faruwa nan gaba
  6. We are going to buy our house. zamu siya gidan kanmu.

    Who is going to adopt the child? waye zai raini yaron?

  7. Zamantowa
  8. Some people have a genetic predisposition that makes them go grey in their twenties. wasu mutanen suna da ƙwayoyin halttar dake sanyasu yin furfura tun suna shekera ishirin da wani abu.

    Most people will never go bald. yawancin mutane baza su yi saiƙo ba.

    Few people going blind. mutane ƙalilan ne suke makancewa.

    Our plan may hardly go wrong. zai yi wahala shirinmu ya samu matsala.

    Can you remember when Nigeria went from dictatorship to democracy? ko zaka iya tuna lokacin da Naijeriya ta sauya sheƙa daga mulkin kafa-a-bi zuwa mulkin dimukraɗiya?

  9. Tafiyar lokaci
  10. I observed time go faster. na lura da cewa lokaci yana gudu.

    We only have 50 years to go before our oil reserve exhausted. shekeru hamsin suka rage arzikin-mai da muke da shi ya ƙare.

  11. Zama cikin wani hali
  12. Millions of Naira gone astray. miliyoyin nairori ne suka salwanta.

    Have you ever went hungry for a month? shin ka taɓa fama da yunwa har tsawon wata guda?

    Does the crime go unpunished? shin ba'a ladabtar da masu aikata laifin ba?

  13. Dusashewa
  14. He can no longer withstand marathon now that his physical strength is going. yanzu ba zai iya jure yin gudu ba saboda ƙarfin jikinsa ya fara raguwa.
  15. Kasancewa tare
  16. Happiness and depression don't go together. farin-ciki da baƙin-ciki basa samuwa lokaci guda.

    Do you know the risks that go with gambling? shin kasan haɗarin dake tattare da yin caca?

    Unemployment often goes hand in hand with high crimes rate. rashin aikin yi da aikata laifuka suna tafiya ne tare.

  17. Dacewa
  18. Five shops in the house frontage would go well in this location. shaguna biyar a gaban gidan zasu dace da irin wannan gurin.

    Farms would will never go well in a place dominated by goats. gonaki baza su dace da gurin da yake da yawan akuyoyi ba.

  19. Wakana
  20. Can you tell us how the meeting and celebrations go? ko zaka iya faɗa mana yadda taron da kuma shagulgulan suke wakana?

    I have other plans if things go badly. ina da wani tsari na daban idan lamurra suka rincaɓe.

Probably Related words: category, ago, goat, God, goddess, good, goods, gorilla, gospel, government

Nearest words:
God, got, goad, goal, goat, goes, gold, golf, gone, good,

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