Definition of bring in Hausa
bring |
verb /brɪŋ/ kawo, janyo |
Example of bring in a sentence
She brought her boyfriend to their house. ta kawo saurayinta zuwa gidansu. His website brings him N300000 a year. shafin yanar sa yana kawo masa Naira dubu ɗari uku a shekara. Does Nafisah bring anything to the strangers? shin Nafisah na kawo wa baƙin wani abu. I shall not bring the table until tomorrow. bazan kawo teburin ba sai gobe. Bello brought his friends to his house. Bello ya kawo abokanen shi gida. She bring her boyfriend to her parents. tana kawo saurayinta wajen iyayenta. Coronavirus outbreak brought distress to the whole country. cutar nunfashi ta janyo matsin rayuwa ga ɗaukacin ƙasar. Sacking government staffs may bring poverty to the country. koran ma'aikatan gwamnati zai iya janyo talauci a ƙasar. Fighting brought the argument to an end. faɗa ya kawo ƙarshen gaddamar. Public humiliation brought tears to his eyes. wulaƙanci da aka yi mashi a cikin jama'a ya sanya shi zubar da hawaye. |
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