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Definition of behind in Hausa


noun, preposition, adverb /bɪˈhaɪnd/
1. A baya (galibi idan ka ɓuya a bayan abun).
2. Kasancewa kana da hannu a wani lamari
3. Zamantowa koma baya
4. A gurin
5. Abun dake tattare da abu

Example of behind in a sentence

  1. A baya
  2. Can you see the girl standing behind Musa? ko zaka iya ganin yarinyar da take tsaye a bayan Musa?

    The plane disappeared behind the clouds just two minutes of its departure. jirgin saman ya ɓace a bayan gajimare mintuna biyu kawai da tashin sa.

  3. Zamantowa kana da hannu a wani lamari.
  4. Ibrahim was behind the construction of the bridges. Ibrahim yana da hannu a ginin gadojin.

    Do you know who's behind this?. ko ka san wanda yake da alhakin wannan.

  5. Zamantowa koma baya.
  6. He is behind the class in mathematics. Shine na baya a ajin gurin darasin lissafi.

  7. A gurin
  8. The teacher asked me to stay behind after school. malamin ya gaya mini na tsaya a gurin bayan an tashi makaranta.

    The bag was left behind after school. An bar jakar a gurin bayan tashi makaranta.

  9. Abun dake tattare da wani abu
  10. What is behind that happy smile? me ke tattare da irin wannan murmushin murnan?

    What is behind this website? Menene a tattare da wannan gidan yanar.

Probably Related words: fall behind, leave behind, behind the times

Nearest words:
behind the times,

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