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Definition of as in Hausa


adverb, conjunction /az/
1. Kamar
2. A matsayin
3. Tunda
4. A sa'ilin da, a lokacin da
5. Kaman dai

Example of as in a sentence

  1. Kamar
  2. Eat as much as you can. ka ci abinci iya yadda za ka iya ci.

    The drink taste like orange but not as pineapple. abun shan yana ɗanɗano tamkar lemu amma ba kamar abarba ba.

    She's as tall as her sister. tsayinta ya kai na 'yar uwarta.

    I can't write as lengthy as she does. ba zan iya yin rubutu mai tsawo kaman yadda take yi bi.

    His skin is as white as Europeans. fatarshi fara ce tamkar ta Turawa.

    The book isn't as useful as they advertise. amfanin littafin bai kai yadda suke tallatawa ba.

  3. A matsayin
  4. I haven't ever find woman working as a security in bank. ban taɓa ganin mace tana yin aikin jami'ar tsaro a banki ba.

    You can use receipt as proof of payment. za ka iya yin amfani da rasit a matsayin shadar biyan kuɗi.

    I hit her back as a joke. na daki bayanta a matsayin wasa.

  5. Tunda
  6. As you did it on your own accord, you're to be held responsible. tunda dai ka yi gabon kanka gurin aikatawa, kai ne za a ɗaura wa alhaki.

    You can give them order as you're the commandant. za ka iya ba su umurni tunda kai ne kwamanda.

  7. A sa'ilin da, a lokacin da
  8. I saw two people entering the house as I was leaving my compound. na ga mutane biyu suna shiga gidan a lokacin da nake barin harabata.

    Your vision deteriorate as he get older. ƙarfin ganinka yana ƙara taɓarɓarewa a lokacin da kake tsufa.

  9. Kaman dai
  10. He left Nigeria to Dubai just as his older brother did ten years back. ya bar Nigeria zuwa Dubai kamar dai yadda babban yayanshi ya yi shekaru goma da suka wuce.

    The new militant group, as the previous one, set conditions for ceasefire. sabuwar ƙungiyar tsageran, kamar dai tsohuwar ƙungiyar ta sanya sharuɗɗan tsagaita buɗe wuta.

    As is often the case with protest in Nigeria, the peaceful protest has being hijacked by Hoodlums. kamar dai yadda duk wata zanga-zanga take kasancewa a Nigeria, 'yan tada zaune tsaye sun amshe ragamar tafiyar da zanga-zangar lumanar.

Probably Related words: carcass, cash, cashier, casket, castle, casualty, cease, clash, classroom, compass

Nearest words:
ash, ask, ass, Asia, asst, ASUU, Asaba, ASCII, Asian, aside,

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A-B-Ɓ-C-D-Ɗ-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-Ƙ-L-M-N-O-R-S-T-U-W-Y-'Y-Z is an online/offline English to Hausa And Hausa to English comprehensive bilingual Dictionary (or Kamus in Hausa) containing thousands of British and American English words/phrases and Abbreviations.

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