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Definition of answer in Hausa


noun & verb /ˈænsər/
1. Amsa
2. Maslafa

Example of answer in a sentence


We can't easily guess the answer to your question. ba za mu iya cinkan amsar tambayarka cikin sauƙi ba.

Have you give an answer to my question? shin ka bayar da amsar tambayata?

Stand up if you know the answer. ka miƙe idan ka san amsar.

We're waiting for the President answer. muna jiran amsar shugaban ƙasar.

I sent him an sms but there was no answer. na aika masa da gajeran saƙo amma ban samu amsa ba.

We dont have time to give them answers. ba mu da lokacin da za mu ba su amsa.

He gave correct answer. ya bayar da amsa ta haƙiƙa.


She answered my question immediately. ta amsa tambayata nan take.

I saw her answering a phone call. na ganta tana amsa kiran waya.

She answered that she don't have time for watching movies. ta amsa tana mai cewa ba ta da lokacin kallon finafinai.


He gave me some inspirational story that answered my curiosity. ya bani wani labari mai ƙarfafa gwiwa wanda ya zama maslaha ga abun da nake nema.

I saw a T-shirt in the shop that i think might answer your requirements. na ga wata riga a shagon wacce nake jin za ta yi daidai da kai.

Probably Related words: answerable, unanswerable, unanswered

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