Definition of allege in Hausa
allege |
verb /əˈledʒ/ yin zargi |
Example of allege in a sentence The crowd allege that she stole the gold. jama'a suna zargin cewa ta sace zinarin.It is alleged that police killed ten people. an yi zargin cewa 'yan sanda sun kashe mutane goma. Fatima alleged she saw when he stabbed her father's to death. Fatima ta yi zargin cewa ta ga lokacin da ya daɓawa babanta wuƙa. It has been alleged that she cheated on her husband for years. an yi zargin cewa ta ɗauki shekaru tana yin zina kuma tana da aure. Blacks community allege there is discrimination in the country. baƙaƙen fata sun yi zargin cewa ana nuna wariya a ƙasar. Residents allege the police killed unarmed civilians in the town. mazauna garin sun yi zargin cewa 'yan sanda sun kashe mutane waɗanda ba sa ɗauke da makami a cikin garin. Maimunatu was alleged to have escaped from the prison with the aid of security guard. ana zargin Maimunatu ta tsere ne daga gidan kason bisa taimakon jami'in tsaro. It was alleged that he punch her intentionally. ana zargin cewa da gangan ne ya dake ta. |
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