Definition of adopt in Hausa
adopt |
verb /əˈdɒpt/ 1. Amsan rainon yaron wani. 2. Runguman wani ra'ayi |
Example of adopt in a sentence
She was convicted for murder and had her child adopted. an ɗaure ta bisa laifin kisan kai kuma ta bada yaronta ga wata domin ta raine shi. I shall never get married or bear children, but I'm hoping to adopt two children. ba zan yi aure ba kuma ba zan haihu ba, amma ina sa ran zan raini yara biyu. I was adopted by my elder sister. babbar yayata ita ta raine ni.Ebooks exist for a while, but most schools in the country never adopt this technology. an daɗe da fara yin amfani da littafi na na'ura, amma makarantu ƙalilan ne kawai suka rungumi wannan fasahar a ƙasar. No need to adopt another tactics as the current one works. babu buƙatar a rungumi wata sabuwar dabara saboda wacce ake yin amfani da ita tana yin aiki. Herbal medicine may hardly cure this sickness, there's need to adopt scientific approach. zai yi wahala maganin gargajiya ya iya magance wannan rashin lafiyan, akwai buƙatar a rungumi hanyoyin kimiyya. Most countries have adopted social distancing policies and lockdown to mitigate the spread of coronavirus. yawancin ƙasashen duniya sun rungumi shirin nisantan juna da kuma kulle guraren taruwan jama'a domin rage yaɗuwar cutar nunfashi. |
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