Definition of achieve in Hausa
achieve |
verb /əˈtʃiːv/ 1. Samu 2. Cimma wani buri |
Example of achieve in a sentence You can ultimately achieve success if you work hard. za ka yi nasara daga ƙarshe idan ka yi aiki tuƙuru.He has achieved his goal after several failed attempts. ya cimma burinshi bayan ya yi ta jarabawa ba tare da samun nasara ba. He worked for ten years but he couldn't achieved his goal. shekara goma ya ɗauka yana aiki amma bai cimma burinshi ba. Online stores have achieved tremendous sells during this lockdown. shagunan siyar da kayayyaki ta duniyar gizo sun yi ciniki sosai lokacin da aka hana mutane fita. I hope to achieved my goal by the age of thirty. ina sa ran cimma burina lokacin da zan kai shekara talatin da haihuwa. Some people waste their twenties without achieving anything. wasu mutanen suna ɓata lokacinsu sa'ilin da suke shekara ashirin da wani abu ba tare da tsinana komai ba. You can achieve nothing by spreading lies. babu ribar da za ka samu ta hanyar watsa labarun ƙarya. Is essential to set yourself a goals to achieve in your lifetime. yana da muhinmanci ka zaɓan ma kanka wasu abubuwa da ya kamata ka aiwatar a rayuwarka accomplish |
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