Definition of direction in Hausa
direction |
noun /daɪˈrekʃən/ 1. Mafuskanta 2. Bayanan daka yiwa mutum domin ya gane wani guri 3. Bayanai akan yadda ake yin amfani da abu 4. Iko da 5. Hanyar tafiyar da abu |
Example of direction in a sentence
Little children may hardly stayed in the same direction. zai yi wahala ƙananun yara su tsaya a guri ɗaya. He's paralyzed and can't make a speech, he merely gesture in the specific direction. jikin shi ya shanye kuma bazai iya yin magana ba, kawai yana yin nuni ne zuwa ga ababen da yake son yin magana akai. The butterfly flies over every direction. filfilon yana yin shawagi a kowani kusurwa I told him to follow right side but he followed the opposite direction. na gaya mashi daya bi hannun dama amma sai ya bi hannun da bashi bane nace ya bi. Muslims pray in the direction of Ka'aba. Musulmai suna fuskantar Ka'aba ne idan zasu yi Sallah. She placed her shop in my direction. ya sanya shagon ta a sashi na. If you can't locate the house you should ask for directions. idan baza ka iya gane gidan ba to sai ka tambaya domin a faɗa maka. He gave us complex and ambiguous directions. yayi mana bayani mai wahalar ganewa na yadda zamu je gurin. The way he treat her show a change of direction for respecting women. abubuwan da yake yi mata na nuna yadda ya sauya matsaya akan mutunta mata. I don't think they follow the right direction. bana tinanin suna bin hanyar data dace. |
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