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Definition of difference in Hausa


noun /ˈdɪfərəns/
1. Banbanci
2. Make a (big) difference: inganta wani yanayi
3. Not make any difference: rashin kawo sauyi a wani yanayi
4. Saɓani

Example of difference in a sentence

  1. Banbanci
  2. What's the difference between rat and mouse? menene banbanci tsakanin rat da mouse?.

    There's a difference of 25 years between Maryam and her father. akwai banbancin shekaru ishirin da biyar tsakanin Maryam da mahaifinta.

    I never see any significant difference in performance between IPhone and Android. ban ga wani banbanci mai yawa ba dangane da yadda Iphone da kuma android suke aiki.

    Educating your child can make a big difference to his way of thinking. ilmantar da ɗanka zai matuƙar inganta yadda tinanin shi yake.

    Literacy in some parts of the state has made all the difference to the state. ilimi daya watsu a wasu sassan jihar duk ya inganta jihar.

    You can add more sugar if you insist, but it won't make any difference. zaka iya ƙara sikari idan ka nace, amma babu wani canji da za'a samu sakamakon yin haka.

    Upgrading the Android version makes no difference. sauya sanfurin android bazai canza komai ba.

  3. Saɓani
  4. They both contradict each other few years back, but now they've resolved their differences. a shekarun baya suna musanta junan su, amma a halin yanzu sun warware saɓanin dake tsakanin su.

    But why do they have difference of opinion over this matter?. amma me yasa suke da saɓanin ra'ayi game da wannan batun?

Probably Related words: indifference

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