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Definition of cover in Hausa


noun, verb /ˈkʌvər/
1. Marufi
2. Rufe, mamaye
3. Shafa, haɗawa har da
4. Samun kariya, samun tsira
5. Bada labari akan wani lamari
6. Wadatuwar ƙuɗi
7. Idan jami'an tsaro sun kama gari ko suna bashi kariya

Example of cover in a sentence

  1. Murfi
  2. My mobile phone has a blue protective plastic cover. wayata tana da murfi na roba mai shuɗin launi wanda yake bata kariya.

    You must remove the cover of the soft drink if you want to drink. dole sai ka cire murfin kwalban lemun idan kana so ka sha.

  3. Rufe, mamaye
  4. She's too shy to look him at eye without covering her face. saboda kunya bazata iya kallon fuskar shi ba ba tare data rufe fuskan ta ba.

    Dust covered the holes. ƙura ta rufe ramukan.

    She covered her baby with a blanket. ta lulluɓe jaririnta da bargo.

    His shirt was covered with blood after the accident. jini duk ya mamaye rigarshi bayan hatsarin.

    Water covered most of the house. ruwa ya mamaye yawancin gidan.

  5. Shafa/haɗawa har da
  6. His book covers our current issues. littafin nashi yana ƙunshe da abubuwan da suke damun mu a halin yanzu.

    Do taxes exemption cover entrepreneurs? shin 'yan kasuwa suna daga cikin waɗanda aka keɓe baza su biya haraji ba?

    The construction of the highways covers Kano and Kaduna states. shinfiɗa manyan hanyoyin da za'a yi ya haɗa harda jihohin Kano da Kaduna.

    The learning language app covers a broad range of languages. manhajar ta koyon Turanci tana ƙunshe da yaruka masu yawa.

    The lockdown covers everything from businesses to schools. hana fitar ya shafi komai, kama daga kasuwanci izuwa makarantu.

  7. Samun kariya daga lahani
  8. My new phone accidentally dropped down and break, but this doesn't seem to cover over warranty. sabuwar wayata ta faɗi ta fashe bisa kuskure, amma wannan bashi daga cikin abubuwan da kamfani zai lamunta domin ya gyara.

    The insurance doesn't cover intentional damage. idan haka kurum ka yiwa abu lahani, to kamfanin inshora bazai gyara wannan lahanin ba.

    If you drop your phone in water, you wouldn't be covered on warranty. idan ka jefa wayarka a cikin ruwa (sannan ta lalace), to kamfani bazai gyara ko canza maka wata ba.

    The policy doesn't cover anything deliberate. shirin bazai lamunci duk wani abu da aka aikata da nufi ba.

  9. Watsa labarai akan wani lamari
  10. The news of his death was covered in BBC and CNN. an bada rahoton mutuwar nashi a kafofin watsa labarai na BBC da CNN.

    A journalist went to the presidential palace covering the inauguration. ɗan jarida yaje fadar shugaban ƙasar yana aiko da rahoto akan rantsar da shugaban ƙasar.

    He was sent to Kaduna to cover the current affairs. an tura shi zuwa Kaduna domin aiko da rahoton abubuwan dake gudana yanzu.

  11. Wadatuwar kuɗaɗe
  12. His monthly earnings can't cover the cost of his expenditures. kuɗaɗen da yake samu a wata baza su kai yawan kuɗaɗen da yake kashewa a wata ba.

    Two hundred thousands Naira can really cover my expenses. Naira dubu ɗari biyu haƙiƙa zai biya min buƙata.

Probably Related words: discover, recover, recovery, discovery, hardcover, covering, discoverable, discoverer, covered, recoverable

Nearest words:
covert, covered, coverage, covering,

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