Definition of contrast in Hausa
contrast |
noun & verb /ˈkɒntrɑːst/ 1. Banbanci 2. Ratsi wanda yake sawa a iya banbance abubuwa 3. Banbance (ta hanyar kamanta abubuwa domin nuna banbancin dake tsakaninsu) 4. Kamanta |
Example of contrast in a sentence
There's contrast between Nigerian and China's birth rate. akwai banbancin yawan haihuwa tsakanin Nigeria da ƙasar Sin. World economy is collapsing amids this pandemic, while online stores, by contrast being expanded. tattalin arzikin duniya yana cigaba da taɓarɓarewa a wannan lokacin na annoba, sannan kuma shagunan siyar da kayayyaki ta internet a gefe guda kuma suna ƙara haɓaka ne. The numbers of coronavirus infections in Nigeria are insignificant, contrast to that in USA. yawan masu fama da cutar nunfashi a Nigeria basu da yawa idan aka kwatanta da Amurka. There's contrast between what he told us and what we saw. akwai banbanci tsakanin abun daya faɗa mana da kuma abun da muka gani. The contrast between the assertiveness and nervousness. banbanci tsakanin zaƙewa da taraddadi. This is me when i was 13 and this is me when i was 30. What is the contrast?. wannan shi ne hotona lokacin da nake da shekara 13 wannan kuma lokacin da nake da shekaru 30. wani irin canzawa nayi?. Motorbike noise contrasts with the machine gun. ƙaran bindiga mai inji ya banbanta da ƙarar babur. |
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