Definition of contain in Hausa
contain |
verb /kənˈteɪn/ 1. Ƙunshi 2. Daƙile (shawo kan abu mai cutarwa, ɓoye wani shauƙi kamar fushi ko murna) |
Example of contain in a sentence
The letter contains information about his financial affairs. Wasiƙar tana ɗauke da bayanai akan hada-hadar kuɗaɗensa. The bottle of the yoghurt contains two litters. robar madarar tana ɗauke da madarar data kai lita biyu. I watched a comprehensive video lecture containing a lot of information. na kalli muhadarar bidiyo mai ilmantarwa wacce take ɗauke da bayanai masu tarin yawa. I hate movies that contain a lot of violence. na tsani finafinan da suke ɗauke da tashin hankali. Milk contains more protein than groundnuts. madara tafi gyaɗa yawan sinadarin protein. Machine translation usually contains errors. galibi fassarar da na'ura keyi tana da kuskure. Violence broke out in the region but police successfully contained it and restored order. rigima ta ɓarke a yankin amma 'yan sanda sun yi nasarar shawo kan rigimar. |
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