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Definition of contact in Hausa


noun, verb /ˈkɒntækt/
1. Tuntuɓa
2. Kasancewar abubuwa suna taɓan juna ko yin hulɗa
3. Mutumin daka sani wanda zai iya yi maka hanyar samun wani abu
4. Ma'ajiyar lambobi a cikin wayar mutum
5. Sunayen mutanen daka ajiye a cikin wayarka

Example of contact in a sentence

  1. Tuntuɓa
  2. I went to his house to contact him. naje gidan shi domin na tuntuɓe shi.

    If you have any question you can contact us on this number. idan kana da wata tambaya zaka iya tuntuɓar mu ta wannan lambar.

    You can contact us by email or whatsapp. zaka iya tuntuɓarmu ta email ko whatsapp.

    She should contact the company for more information about the job. ya kamata ta tuntuɓi kamfanin domin ƙarin bayani akan aikin.

    Who should i contact in the office? Waye zan tuntuɓa a ofishin?

    She and her husband live in different countries and they went two months without been in contact. ita da mijinta suna rayuwa a ƙasashe daban ne kuma sun kai watanni biyu basu haɗu ba.

    He was in contact with her since when he returned from London. yana tare da ita tunda ya dawo daga birnin Landan.

    He focused on his research for years without having any contact with the outside world. ya mayar da hankali akan binciken shi na tsawon shekaru ba tare da yana shiga cikin jama'a ba.

    She depressed after she was sacked from the company and lose contact with her coworkers. ta faɗa cikin damuwa bayan an koreta a masana'antar kuma ta rabu da abokanen aikinta.

  3. Idan abubuwa suna taɓan juna ko yin mu'amala da juna
  4. Always wear protection to prevent the insecticide coming into contact with your skin and eyes. a koda yaushe ka riƙa sanya (sutura) mai bada kariya domin hana maganin kashe ƙwarin taɓa fatarka da idanunka.

    I haven't been in contact with someone with coronavirus. ban taɓa ganawa da mai ɗauke da cutar nunfashi ba.

    I preferred phone calls and online services over physical contact. nafi son yin kira ta waya da kuma harkoki ta duniyar gizo a maimakon ganawa da mutum.

    Most Nigerian States are imposing lockdown whenever they came into contact with covid-19. yawancin jihohin Nigeria suna sanya dokar hana fita a duk lokacin da cutar nunfashi ta ɓulla a jihar.

    Men with low self-esteem are rarely make eye contact with women. mazaje masu rashin ganin kiman kansu basu cika haɗa idanu da mata ba.

    Coronavirus can be transmitted through physical contact. za'a iya yaɗa cutar nunfashi ta hanyar taɓa juna.

    Both hepatitis and HIV AIDS can be spread through contact with blood of the infected person. zaka iya kamuwa da cututtukan ƙanjamau da kuma cutar hanta idan jinin mai cutar ya haɗu da naka.

    White cloth can easily come into contact with dirt. farin yadi zai yi saurin yin dauɗa.

    Due to religious variation, there is little contact between Ighbo and Hausa. saboda banbancin addini, akwai ƙarancin hulɗa tsakanin iyamurai da Hausawa.

    Beware! don't ever let kerosene come into contact with the bread. kayi hankali! kada ka bari kalanzir ya haɗu da biredin.

  5. Mutum mai matsayi wanda ka sani
  6. Most of the family got job in educational sectors because they've contact. yawancin iyalan sun samu aiki a ɓangaren ilimi saboda suna da hanya.

    I knew one of their contacts who offered them a job. na san ɗaya daga cikin mutumin da yayi musu hanyar samun aiki.

    His father has contacts in military. babanshi yana da hanyar da zai iya sa mutun aiki a soja.

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