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Definition of conduct in Hausa


verb & noun /kənˈdʌkt/
1. Gudanar da, tafiyar da
2. Ɗabi'a, halayya
3. Barin zafi ko lantarki ya wuce ta jikin abu
4. Yima mutum jagora zuwa ga wani guri

Example of conduct in a sentence

  1. Tsarawa tare da tafiyar da wani aiki.
  2. We normally conduct yearly survey to
    find out what our customers think about our services.
    mun kasance muna jin ra'ayin jama'a duk shekara domin mu san yaya abokanen cinikinmu suke kallon ayyukanmu.

    The experiments were conducted by ABU specialists. Ƙwararrun masana na jami'ar ABU sune suka gudanar da binciken.

    How i choose to conduct my study doesn't concern you. yanayin yanda na zaɓi na gudanar da nazari na bai shafeka ba.

    The terrorist declared that he didn't want a lawyer and was ready to conduct his own defence. ɗan ta'addan ya nuna cewa baya buƙatar lauya kuma a shirye yake ya kare kanshi.

  3. Yin wani irin hali
  4. How should I conduct myself before a girlfriend? I know nothing about dating. wasu irin ɗabi'u ne zan yi a gaban budurwa? ban san komai akan neman aure ba.

    Although this is the first time he confronted a girl, he conducted himself before the girl far better than expected. duk kuwa da cewa wannan shi ne karo na farko daya fuskanci mace, yayi ɗabi'u masu kyau a gaban yarinyar fiye da yanda ake tsammani.

    The novel is based on how to conduct yourself before a girl. littafin labarin yana magana ne akan yadda zaka tsaya a gaban mace.

  5. Yima mutum jagora zuwa wani guri.
  6. May I conduct you to guests house, or would you prefer to stay here first? shin kana so nayi maka jagora zuwa gidan saukan baƙi ko kuwa kafi son zama a nan?

    The criminals were conducted from the courtroom by two police officers. manyan jami'an 'yan sanda biyu sun fito da masu laifin daka cikin kotu suna yi musu jagora.

  7. Barin lantarki ko zafi ya ratsa ta abu.
  8. Iron, zinc and copper conduct electricity and heat, but
    plastic does not.
    ƙarafunan iron, zinc da copper duk lantarki da zafi zasu iya ratsawa ta cikin su, amma lantarki ko zafi bazai iya ratsawa ta cikin roba ba.

  9. Hali ko ɗabi'a
  10. Excellent conduct. hali mai kyau.

    Nigerian army has a strict code of conduct. rundunar sojin Nigeria tana da tsauraren dokoki na yanda ya kamata ace ɗabi'un dakarun ta sun kasance.

    Her conduct is unacceptable by the society. jama'a basu amince da ɗabi'unta ba.

Probably Related words: misconduct, conductor, conductance, conduction, conductive, conductivity, conductress

Nearest words:
conductor, conduction, conductive, conductance, conductress, conductivity,

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