Definition of condition in Hausa
condition |
noun /kənˈdɪʃən/ 1. Matakin da abu yake ciki 2. Sharaɗi 3. Nau'in cutar da mutum ke fama da ita 4. on (the) condition that: sai dai idan har verb /kənˈdɪʃn/ 5. Tsara ko horar da mutum ko dabba domin ya riƙa aikata abu a wani yanayi |
Example of condition in a sentence
My ten years old computer is in perfect condition. kwamfuta ta wacce takai shekaru goma lafiyanta lau. She abandoned her mother in a terrible condition. ta bar uwarta a cikin munmunan yanayi. Her mother's health condition is improving gradually. sannu a hankali yanayin lafiyar mahaifiyarta yana ingantuwa. Don't copy someone's book without permission even if he/she didn't set any conditions. kada ka kwafi littafin wani koda kuwa bai sanya wasu sharuɗɗa ba. He must pay his ex-wife fifty thousand Naira monthly under the conditions of the agreement. zai riƙa biyan tsohuwar matarshi dubu hamsin duk wata ƙarƙashin dokokin da aka gindaya. People were conditioned to believe live is unfair. an sa mutane sun yarda cewa babu adalci a rayuwa. |
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