Definition of challenge in Hausa
challenge |
noun, verb /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ 1. Ƙalubale 2. Inkari 3. Takala (tsokano wasa ko muhawara da dai sauransu) |
Example of challenge in a sentence
Vegetables sellers are getting ready for the challenge of the hot session. masu siyar da kayan gwari suna shiryawa ƙalubalen dake tattare da lokacin zafi. Finding a cure for aging or aging related diseases are some of the biggest challenges facing medical researchers nowadays. gano maganin tsufa ko cututtuka da suke da alaƙa da tsufa sune manyan ƙalubalen dake fuskantar masu binciken magungunan wannan zamanin. He promised to marry four wives, and gather thirty children. but it's going to be big challenge. yayi alƙawarin auran mata huɗu da kuma tara yara talatin, amma ina ganin akwai babban ƙalubale tattare da haka. It could be a big challenge to keep four wives in the same house. babban ƙalubale ne ajiye mata huɗu a gida guda. The monarch does not like anyone challenging his statements. basaraken baya son kowa yana inkarin (jayayya da) maganarshi. Theory of evolution challenges religious beliefs. nazariyyar sauyin halittu yaci karo (yana ƙaryata) addinai. The presidential candidate challenged the President to debate. ɗan takaran shugaban ƙasar ya kira shugaban ƙasar yin muhawara. dispute |
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